Different Realites.

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Currently in the city section...

Kasumi spun her scythe around as she stretched her arms out, "Was that the last of them?"

"Seems like it." Lucifer replied to her.

"Ahhh we can finally get some food!" Yasuka snickered walking with the rest of them.

Zack, Kasumi, Mabel, Ryujin, Rizzo, Yasuka, Chu, Lucifer, and Romeo were walking all together after finishing a mission in the city. Suddenly Masuko appeared before them as white beams came from the sky.

"Woah what's Mk doing here?" Yasuka then noticed the beams.

"Something entered our atmosphere from different realties it seems, I have no idea what but stay on guard." Masuko stated.

"Wait different realties?" Zack walked up beside him as he noticed black silhouettes in the white beams as they slowly became visible.

"Hard to believe but yeah." He tilted his head at the 8 beings as they stood still. Rizzo stepped forward a bit then suddenly a flash came by them, something took Rizzo faster than they can blink. He was smashed through three building in an instant. "What the..." he grabbed his head confused on what just happened.

Ryujin turned and then he too was taken in a flash and smashed through four buildings.

"It seems one of them is super-fast and they don't seem so friendly." Masuko stated, "Or so they aren't in control?"

"Let's split up and take them on, everyone be safe." Zack nodded to them as he approached a man with chains coming out of his back, Mabel joined Zack.

Masuko stood before the girl with pink hair, she charged at him first with a nuclear beam. Masuko dodged the beam surprised at how strong it was. "Well, it seems they won't be easy targets."

A tall women approached Rizzo as he was getting up, she grabbed him by the neck lifting him off his feet, high in the air since she was about 7'4. Though this didn't affect Rizzo he couldn't help but think she was gorgeous.

Ryujin brushed his jacket off glaring at the girl with blue braids, "So we got a fast one huh, I'm impressed with your speed."

She grinned a bit at him as she manifested two blades.

"So, you want a fight? Fine then, let's do this in a fair manner." He smirked pulling out two daggers that extended into blades.

Zack attempted to strike the man with chains but was wrapped up in them in no time, the chains tightened around him preventing him to be able to break out, "These chains... I can't seem to break them?" Zack noticed fast how these beings were different from them.

A man with white wings flew through the air sending lasers down to Romeo but thankfully he dodged them, "So superman is here? He's shooting lasers from his eyes." He formed electricity around his arms trying to strike him down.

Kasumi snuck up behind a man with green mint hair, but she was hit in the stomach with rocks he bended up from the ground. She looked up, "Ah so a rock bender? this will be annoying." she sighed.

Yasuka charged up her yellow electricity attacking the hell dogs from a girl with black on, she stood from afar sending her hell dogs to attack.

"Man, and I just wanted my food." Yasuka pouted.

Chu approached the man with pink skin and a visor, Lucifer was in the air helping Romeo, so she was solo on this. The guy turned to her with a rested expression on his face. He sent some sound booms her way which affected her hearing a bit. "Haven't seen a power like this before, god my ears hurt from it." She kneeled over covering her ears. After the effect wore off, she stood up pulling out her blade, "Know how to fight close combat?"

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