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One day later...

Everyone sat around the table talking and drinking, "We all don't know about each other's past, do we? we should tell each other about ourselves before Yeol preforms for us." Xyrena stated.

"Ahh that sounds like a good idea! I am curious about you all when it comes to not knowing anything about your pasts." Violet sat up. "Miles we'll start with you." she smiled.

"Fine with me." he placed his cup down, "Well in my reality I was happy, my family was loving and amazing, my mom was my favorite person, I lost my dad at a young age, so my mom had to do everything on her own. She never stopped smiling though, no matter the situation we were in, her positivity is what kept her going, I also had a brother, but he was barely in my life. In high school I was semi popular even though it wasn't a thing I liked, a lot of people would step into my personal space, and it would make me uncomfortable I told them all to respect it but... they didn't listen. I had two girlfriends when I was there, the first one cheated on me and the second one left me because I didn't want to have sex with them, which is why my first girlfriend cheated on me, they both wanted sex, but we only had just started to date, and I was not comfortable with it at all." he sighed a bit.

"Why would someone date another just for something like that?" Evie frowned. 

"It's sadly a thing some tend to see a lot, I hate that too because that isn't what makes a relationship." Zohan shook his head crossing his arms. 

"Yeah, and I got unlucky with it two times, they most likely wanted to brag about it since I was semi popular and that's what a lot of people did in my school. after that happened, I just stayed to myself and hung out with the two friends I had and my mother. I knew one day I would be leaving that reality but... I wanted to spend the most time I could before leaving and so I did, that's pretty much it for me." he looked up smiling a bit. 

"I'm glad you were happy with it while you had it, besides those two girlfriends." Violet smiled. "Azari would you like to go next?"

"Sure, I can." she sat up, "When I found out I would be leaving my reality I locked myself away at a young age, I didn't get close to anyone because I did not want to bare it when I left. In school a lot of people avoided me which I didn't mind but I could never understand why? people for some reason just hated me, eventually I got used to that hate and just did whatever, I studied a lot and trained. my father was concerned on why I was the way I was, I couldn't just up and tell him why I would suddenly disappear in a few years, I couldn't bare to think at how hurt he would be alongside my mother. I was an only child so I felt some relief as I was sure my siblings would deal with that pain too.  I had fun here and there but I couldn't fully accept that I was going to leave one day, I still feel guilty but I am happy being here." her smile was a bit sad. "But that's about it for me, a bit boring but that's really it." she rubbed her head.

"Reminds me of myself." Yeol stated, "I don't blame you for feeling that way, I think we all did in our own ways." he lifted his visor a bit.

"I know I did, but I think I'd rather be here with you guys." Violet smiled, "Zohan, let's hear yours." 

"Oh boy, my reality was well interesting to say the least, everyone there was like in an evil or dark era, there was no sun there either just the moon. I had no parents as they both left me for some reason, so I grew up teaching myself everything and I ended up becoming wealthy as I owned a bar and club. I didn't get attached to anyone there since I prevented it from happening, hell I even hated some people there. Other club owners would come to me and challenge me, I won every fight, but I became tired of it because there was no reason for it. that reality was honestly filled hatred, barely anyone cared about things and always had a lame excuse for hating someone or something. I was pretty happy to leave that shithole." 

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