Cyris Mission.

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Currently at the Mansion for a meet up.

"Alright guys." Evie placed some papers down on the table, "I just got an alert about the west city being under attack with huge Cyris, it seems we will take this call since the others out there are dealing with similar things. Yeol and Azari I'm sending you guys on a duo mission as Me, Miles and Kira will be a Trio, Zohan, Violet, and Xyrena will be the other Trio. you all know your locations let's head out." she looked around the table nodding.

Yeol and Azari got up heading out to their location, as they arrived at their location a huge Cyris stomped around the city, "What is this? Godzilla?" Yeol said running on a train that was stopped. "Azari, go save the civilians, I'll distract uhm Godzilla here."

"Got it." she sped off. 

The Cyris charged up a hyper beam striking it through buildings. Yeol stopped the buildings from collapsing with his telekinesis. He ran to the end of the train throwing the broken buildings into the Cyris. The Cyris lost its balance crashing into a building. Azari sped through the ally as the building was collapsing grabbing a kid from getting crushed, she sped to safety placing the kid down before speeding off again. 

Cyris Facts.

Stage A Cyris is the weakest stage, Stage B are ones that hold one power given to them, the same powers and Stage C Cyris were once rare to come across but are now seen a lot, Stage C Cyris are the strongest, they can regenerate, evolve, mimic powers or have multiple powers to them, and they tend to be huge in size - they vary but are always bigger than the other stages, these stage C Cyris tend to get harder and harder to fight as Uzinto keeps making them evolved and stronger. 

what are Cyris and why do they target humans? Well Cyris have a radar that scans a human if they are good or bad, if they scan a bad person, they will attempt to kill them, but they don't notice attacking one person can get others killed or injured as they reckless and try to kill that one person. Cyris will also attack you if you engage with it. we will learn more about Cyris when the time comes, meaning we will learn about Uzinto and his plans. 


"Yeol, I need some time, keep that thing down there's people stuck and there's a lot of others still around, go into that higher building and see if anyone is in there." Azari spoke into the earpiece. 

"Tell me when to release it." he stated back to her. He kept the hold on the Cyris heading into a building at the very top floor. "Is anyone in here?" he called out. Yeol felt movement in one of the rooms, he walked into the room seeing someone struggling to get up. He ran over to her grabbing her shoulders, "What happened here? stay still your body is injured badly." 

She grabbed onto her head squinting her eyes, "I was here with my younger sister... we were visiting mother here at work until I suddenly got hit with the hyper beam, I managed to glitch my sister and mother away to safety, it seems I blacked out after."

"I'm glad to hear they got to safety, but now we have to focus on you, what's your name?" He put his arm around her waist lifting her up as support. 

"Jusa..." she coughed, "Thanks for helping me, uhm..."

"Yeol, you can call me that." he guided her outside into the empty train, he helped her carefully sit down, he could feel her body trembling. "That hyper beam must've hit certain main points to your body. you shouldn't move at all." 

"Is it really bad?" she sat back rubbing her arms.

"Yeah, you've got some broken ribs too, just wait for me to come back I will help you." He looked at her in a worried manner. 

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