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Sou laughed backing away from Evie as he fixed his hair. "Ah~ you my dear, you're very strong, like they say." He had a wide grin on his face.

"Tsk..." Evie wiped her mouth with her arm. Zohan stepped in front of Evie, "Fuck off." He glared at Sou.

"Let's have a small chat, sha'll we?" He laughed.

Evie and Zohan glanced at each other with confused expressions.

"You see there's stages to Uzinto's allies, ranked A,B, and C. C is the less stronger for example Vina, poor girl was killed by her own sister, better yet her younger sister." He laughed. "Then Mira she was rank B the second strongest, poor girl was killed by her own friend she once loved, too bad she went corrupt." He wore a sad sarcastic face expression. "And then Insanity who was rank A, poor girl went against the man she loved so dearly which is why she held back and died, if it were Chu or Romeo POOF goes their heads." He laughed in a creepy manner. Evie and Zohan had disgusted looks on their faces watching this.

"You see Insanity was a strong girl, but sadly Ryujin was just too strong for her, Uzinto should've sent me and I could've handled him." He rolled his eyes, "oh well! That's her loss. Uzinto sends us to fight whoever he has on his kill list and up until insanity, THEY ALL FAILED HIM. Geez even Ginsanity and Reisanity couldn't stop him... That guy is gonna be a problem. But! I don't care! Ahahaha!" He placed his hand on his chest, "We have a few more targets before we go to Zack Fouya, that guy is scary I don't want to face him it's that bad! Oh well, Goodluck to whoever that is."

"Why... Why is he telling us this?" Evie looked at Zohan.

"I don't even know, it's like hes spouting nonsense but it's not actually nonsense." He stepped back a bit.

I hope you enjoyed that little bit of a deleted scene! This is canon though! What Sou is saying 👀

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