Evie and Miles.

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Starting this chapter off with an extra! :)

Azari noticed the guy she was fighting two days ago walking out the party, "Hey guys go on without me, I have to do something real quick." 

"Alright, don't get lost." Zohan replied. 

"Hey you!" Azari ran up to Ryujin.

"Oh hey, you're Azari, right? the one I fought the other day." he turned to her. 

"Yeah, that's me, I wanted to apologize to you, I know I didn't have control or anything, but I gave you a problem." she rubbed her head.

"You don't need to apologize, if anything I should. it's in the past now so let's be friends." 

"I'm glad." she smiled, "Can I hug you before I leave?" 

"Sure, I don't mind." he pulled her into a warm hug, she hugged him back smiling, yes, he was also smiling. 

Ryujin waved to Azari, "Get home safe." 

"You too." she waved speeding off meeting back up with the others, "I got to meet him again, ahh he's so cool." she thought to herself as they walked. She became a big fan of Ryujin. 

End of Extra, now on to the chapter!

Miles walked into his penthouse stretching his arms, he turned around noticing his front door was open, "I swear I shut it." he walked over to the door then out of nowhere Evie popped out of his kitchen startling him. "Good god, you scared the shit out of me and uhm how did you get in?" 

"I just followed you in hehe." She glanced around, "I sized down to the size of an ant basically, I followed you because I was curious." 

"Do you uh not have a place to stay?" he asked in a worried manner.

"Nope! I forgot to look for one, I have been exploring everywhere." she rubbed her head. 

Miles sighed shaking his head, "You can stay here with me then, I have extra rooms." 

"Really!? you're so nice." her face filled with excitement. 

"Well, it's not like I'm going to kick you out, you're very clueless and clumsy it seems too, meaning I'll be watching over you."  

"Well, I can't argue with that." she rubbed her head slightly laughing.

"We will go shopping for you tomorrow, there's a mall nearby so make sure you're up and ready, I'll pay for it all so pick whatever you'd like when we go." he fixed up some blankets on the couch. 

"Do you think I'm broke T-T" she tilted her head.

"No, I know you have money but if you're my guest of course I'm going to pay for you, it's only natural right?" 

"Well, I guess, but I wanna pay for the food tomorrow! I seen this nice cafe in the mall we can go to, and I would like to try it out." 

"Alright we can go there for food then." he sighed in relief. 

"By the way your chains, could you wrap them around me?" she asked in a curious manner.

Miles was baffled and stood there concerned, "Evie, that could be taken in so many ways you know-"

Evie thought for a moment, "OH, NOT LIKE THAT I DIDN'T MEAN IT IN A WEIRD WAY T-T" 

"I would hope not- but I will not wrap my chains around you, why would you uh ask that in the first place?" 

"I meant it in a non-weird way, I was just curious how they worked T-T." 

Miles shook his head letting out a slight laugh, "It's fine, you'll see them in action when we fight." 

"Alright!" she smiled. 

Miles guided her to one of his empty bedrooms, "This one is yours; you've got a personal bathroom too." 

"Woah it's got a lot of space, thank you for letting me stay." she smiled. 

"Don't mention it, make sure you get some sleep." he gave her a head pat before walking out. Miles headed into his room turning on his game console, "Let's see if this game is cursed like everyone says."

2 hours later.

Miles body filled with anger, "Was I just tunneled and camped every game? because I was good? this doesn't make sense." he inhaled and turned the console off, "That pisses me off." he walked over to his bed laying down, he cooled off before falling asleep. 

Morning time came.

Miles opened his eyes slowly to see Evie hovering over him, he sat up rubbing his eyes. Evie sat on the other side of his bed tilting her head, "You're awake now."

Miles rubbed his head, "Huh yeah, have you been watching me?" 

"For five minutes, I didn't want to wake you up, so I waited patiently." 

"You don't need to wait for me really but thank you." he got up stretching his arms. 

They both got ready and headed out.

They both walked around the mall as Evie guided Miles to the cafe, "Here it is." she walked in with him. "I wanna try waffles I never heard of them before."

"Wait wait, you don't know what waffles are? they are a bit like pancakes." Miles asked.

"I only know of pancakes, remember I'm from Corex so it's all different in certain ways." she sat down across from him.

"Well, you aren't wrong, I forgot about that." he looked down at the menu, a maid walked over to their table, "Hello you two, are you by chance a couple? if so, we have a special today - you guys can get the waffle meal or free!" she smiled.

"Ah we-" Miles cut Evie off, "Yeah, we'll take that then, she woke me up early today for waffles, seems we got lucky today." he smiled then winked at Evie.

"Yeah, I bothered him a lot about it." she laughed a bit.

"How cute! I'll get your order out to you both soon." she smiled then took her leave. 

Miles and Evie received their food and ate, they both left tips before leaving.

Evie walked beside Miles, "Back there why'd you do that?" 

"Well, you wanted waffles, so I got you waffles, easy." he smiled at her.

Evie looked up at miles then looked down smiling a bit, "Well thank you for that."

"No need to thank me, now let's get shopping, shall we?" 

Evie nodded, "Yes shopping time!"

They walked into a furniture store, Evie instantly was attracted to the things that caught her attention, Miles observed from the back. Evie seemed to be very concentrated as she listed everything she wanted, Miles had yet to see that behavior from her since she is usually outgoing and clumsy. 

Evie finished her list and walked over to Miles, "Err is this good enough?" she handed it to him. 

"Did you get everything you wanted?" he took the list from her reading it, there was a good amount of stuff listed.

"Yes, I got everything that was necessary." 

"Perfect, I'll place the order and it should be shipped to my house within a few days." He sent the order in on the website. 

"Sounds good." she smiled before her phone went off, Mile's phone too went off. "Emergency, we're needed with the others it seems." she looked up at Mile's in a serious manner.

"Let's head out." He followed behind her.  


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