Welcome Party.

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2 days later X Masuko's brother held a party to celebrate the Sempiternal, many were invited to this event and of course the Sempiternal themselves.

Party location, Underground Cave Aquarium. 

The sempiternal all walked into the cave in a group, With Zohan entering first and Azari entering last instantly people crowded them. Woman crowded Xyrena, Miles, Kira and Yeol and Men Crowded Zohan, Evie and Violet. No one seemed to approach Azari for some reason. 

Evie placed her hands in front of her as some men were hitting on her, with how loud the music was they couldn't seem to hear her. Suddenly Zk grabbed her arm and pulled her aside from the crowd, "So sorry about that Darling, you see when newbies like you guys come in everyone likes to make bets on who can pull them first. Come with me where it's less crowded."

"Ah alright!" Evie followed behind him getting parted from the group. 

"These guys right here are my brothers, come on and join us for some drinks." he smirked a bit.

Evie sat down on the booth beside Cyber, Zk sat down by her after.  Masuko walked back to their booth holding two trays of drinks, "Oh? A surprise to come back to." 


Azari roamed around the place, she walked into an empty area with a DJ and a small stage, she trailed her hands on the stage getting flashbacks to her dance performances. 

"You dance?" A sudden soft voice spoke, Yeol walked in. 

Azari turned around, "Yeah, I guess it helped me escape from reality." she glanced at him, "Don't like crowded areas?" 

"No, I hate them to be honest... it's a bit suffocating." he walked over to the DJ booth.

"Same here." she looked down at her hands that were placed on the stage. 

"You can dance, I can use this DJ to play music for you." 

"That sounds nice, you can play any song I can dance to anything." She got up onto the stage. 

"I got a good one then." Yeol dimmed the lights in the surrounding area leaving a spotlight on Azari which he changed it to blue. He placed his hand on his headphones and rested his eyes as he began to tune the DJ. Azari took a deep breath and relaxed the muscles in her body. 

The song began ~ Shinigami Eyes by Grimes.

Yeol opened his eyes focusing on Azari dancing, she danced so well to a song she has never danced to before it took him by surprise. The surrounding area was dark, so Yeol did not notice people were walking in to watch Azari dance, and he was too focused to notice. As the song finished Yeol turned the lights up a bit then noticed the room was semi filled, this took him and Azari by surprise, they all clapped making her face light up a bit. 

"Ate and left no crumbs." Levi stated. "Can you sigh my arm with this? I admire you both." 

"Yeah, I can." She answered. Yeol held his hand out helping her down from the stage, she had a smile on her face as she signed her name on his arm. "Can I have yours too?" he asked Yeol. 

"I don't mind." He signed his name down as well. 

"You two are cool as hell, thanks." He walked over to Keiko tweeting about it.  

Azari looked at Yeol, "I never expected people to watch." 

"Me neither, I'm still surprised how many people came to watch."  he rubbed his neck with a slight smile on his face.

Yasuka walked over to Azari, "You're like- so pretty can I uh get a photo with you?" Yasuka walked over to Azari. 

Azari grinned, "Thank you, and of course I don't mind one." 

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