Caught in 4K.

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Azari hummed walking down the hall with a bag of pudding in a bag in her hand, she opened Zohan's door, "I got your pudding-" She walked in seeing Kira pinned to the wall by Zohan, "Ohh, continue! don't mind me. hehehe." she closed the door snickering. 

"Wa-Wait! MY PUDDING AZARI!" he ran out the door, "AZARI!" he sighed as she was already gone.

"You made me look like a bottom." Kira rubbed his head.

"You are, simple." Zohan had a smug look on his face. 

"Really? we can have that conversation." he crossed his arms as they started to bicker back and forth.

Meanwhile Azari.

"Hey hey Yeol, want some pudding?" she leaned over trying to get his attention.

He glanced up at her, "Hm, sure why not."

"Hehehe." she handed him one as she sat down taking one for herself. 


Later that day.

 Azari put a radio down as Kira and Zohan were talking, she had an evil grin on her face as she played an audio blasting it loudly, "GET YOUR ASS ON THAT BED AND PREPARE FOR THE NIGHT OF YOUR LIFE." It blasted. Zohan opened the door glaring down at Azari as Kira was dying of laughter in the background, "AZARI I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS." He started to chase her. 

"Try me, I dare you." she laughed running from him. 


Miles used his chains to arrange some props around the training and gym room of the mansion. "Is this good?" he turned to Violet asking. 

"Perfect! everything looks so nice, thank you for helping me and Xyrena, your chains are so useful." she smiled.

"I'm glad to be of help, the mansion is almost finished? you've both been working hard I see." he stood back examining the room placing his hands on his side. 

"Yes haha,  It took a few weeks but we finally are well about done, then we open it to the public." she placed her hands together formally. Xyrena walked in, "Wow this place looks great, you sure work fast." she placed one of arms around Violet's waist. 

"Well 50 chains come in use pretty well." he turned to them, "Wait wait, are you two a thing?" 

Violet let out a small laugh, "We are indeed." She looked up at Xyrena smiling.

"You know I was suspicious, but I didn't want to point it out in respect for the both of you, I'm happy for you guys." He smiled. 

"You'll be a bird in love soon." Xyrena smirked. "I'll be greeting the VIPs now, good luck finishing." she kissed Violet on the head before walking out.

He thought to himself, "Me a bird in love?" he placed his hand on his chin thinking, "If only it was that easy." he let out a sigh.

"I'll be in the other room if you need me." Violet stated before walking out.

"Alright." He walked over to a box opening it, a thump echoed in the room as someone landed in the opening of the sliding doors. Chains grew from his back as they wrapped around the persons arms, he looked to his side noticing it was Chu, he released the chains. "Ah didn't expect you, what brings you here?" 

"Hey Miles-" Evie hid behind the entrance, " Oh he's talking to that one girl," she watched.

"Well Zack wanted to give you this letter, but he was busy, so I came in his place." she handed it to him.

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