Chap.2 || A New Empire

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A/N: This is IRL Minecraft so you can see nametags but you have bags to store extra stuff in your inventory.

Third Person POV

"Bye Gem!" FWhip said waving goodbye.

Gem waved back, "Goodbye."

Gem walked away and headed towards the entrance of her empire. She was praying that no one would see her and start to question her.

Of course though, growing up with a chaotic and sneaky brother means you know how to be sneaky. Gem made her way slowly towards the gates and luckily no one saw her nor was anyone near the gates. She slowly opened the many trap doors trying to find the actual door.

After what feels like hours of flipping trapdoors she finally found the actual door. She opened it and made her way out.

She took in the fresh air. She looked around her to see forests, mountains, and animals scattered around. Normally in the Grimlands, you just see people and buildings but this is what she had dreamed of.

Animals peacefully wandering around, the birds chirping, the trees moving within the breeze. It was paradise.

She looked around looking for the mountains. Once she found them, she started walking towards them.

After a few hours of walking, she finally made it to the base of the mountain, she looked around for any type of path to lead her up and found one not too far away from her.

She started hiking up the mountains, luckily the hike wasn't too far since she could go over the lower part of the mountain to get to the other side. After 20 minutes of hiking up, she finally made it up.

She was taken back by the sight, it was incredibly beautiful. There was a forest right below the mountain and there was surprisingly a little house built into the mountain made by calcite, spruce wood, dark oak wood, and amethyst blocks. Big purple crystals were floating in the sky, It looked magical. Right beside it was a little waterfall, It looks like a comfy little house.

Maybe the magic here was real.

Gem slowly and excitedly made her way down the mountain, slowly but surely she finally got down. She slowly made her way through the woods bringing out her sword just in case creatures attacked her. 

Once out of the forest, Gem was in awe. The little house built into the mountain looked even more magical, right beside the little waterfall was a nether portal. She had never really been to the nether. Well, only once but that was a terrifying experience.

Gem's POV

I stared at the base of the mountain to see a staircase made out of spruce wood. Curious, I walked up the stairs to see even more stairs but it went inside the mountains. Most likely a staircase to the little house.

But what caught my attention was that right in front of the staircase leading into the mountain was an adorable little grey cat. 

My eyes sparkled and without a second thought, I ran up to the cat and started petting it. It purred under my touch as my eyes sparkled even more, I sat down as Gandalf made his way to my lap for more pets. Animals for some reason always loved me but it was mostly cats. It moved away from me which made me a bit sad but I took a closer look and realized that a purple collar was placed around its neck. 

'Gandalf' was written on the collar. "Gandalf? What a cute name!" I spoke scooping Gandalf into my arms hugging him. I let go of Gandalf giving him room to breathe before asking, "Do you belong to anyone? Or do you just live here?"

Gandalf surprisingly nodded, I didn't expect him to understand me. Is this some type of power? Is this magic? Wow, I feel like a Disney princess.

But one question still lingers in my head. 'If Gandalf says he lives here, then who built the house? Cause cats certainly can't build.'

Gandalf let out a quiet meow snapping me out of my thoughts, he started walking up the stairs signaling me to follow him. I quickly got the signal and stood up following him, he led me through the many flights of stairs before stopping at the top. 

I looked around the room. It was a fairly normal room, there was a purple bed right as you walk into the room, a bedside table sat beside the bed with a cake sitting on top, a crafting table next to it, a lectern with a book, and there was a little balcony where you could look out of. 

"Hey, Gandalf? Do you mind if I stay here for a little while?" I ask, Gandalf jumped onto the bed and nodded. My eyes lit up with joy and I immediately ran to the bed and hugged him. "Thank you thank you thank you!" Gandalf meowed and I quickly let go.

"Gandalf? Is the magic here actually real?" I ask, Gandalf nodded before jumping off the bed walking over to the lectern. He nudged the lectern, I took it as a signal to read the book. I stood up and walked over to the lectern and stared at the book, it had fancy purple designs and crystals on the cover.

"The Crystal Cliffs" Was written in purple on the cover of the book, it must be the name of this place. I flipped the page and started to read.

"Welcome to the Crystal Cliffs, GeminiTay. If you are reading this, you are the ruler of this Empire. I know your intentions and dreams, you want to learn magic and master it. Well, I can certainly help you. You will face great challenges but in the end, you will achieve your dreams. Your thoughts were true, the magic here is real. Do not worry about FWhip, he will be devastated you left but I promise you he will be safe and sound. If you believe that the magic here is real, I require you to go to the crystal cavern located right behind the nether portal.

Good luck on your journey to becoming the next Wizard of the Crystal Cliffs. 


I closed the book, surprised at what was written on it. Me? Ruler of the Crystal Cliffs? How did it know my name? How did it know FWhip? How did-

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt something soft rubbing in my leg, I looked down to see Gandalf looking up at me. I quietly awed at the sight and picked him up, holding him against my chest as I walked down to find the Crystal Cavern.

A/N: I don't think the crystal cavern is a thing but I'm making it a thing :)
(If u don't know what place I'm talking abt, it's the cave behind gem's nether portal that houses her 2 axolotls)

I made it down the stairs and looked around for the nether portal. I found it right next to the little waterfall, I climbed up the little hill and walked through the nether portal. As the book said, there was a cave with crystals covering it aswell as a little pond with 2 adorable axolotls. 

I let Gandalf down as he stared into the water.

But what caught my eyes was a pedestal with an amethyst crystal on it. I hesitated if I should touch it or not but curiosity got the best of me and I touched it. It glowed as I started glowing aswell.

My button up long sleeved white shirt along with my dark blue skirt turned into a long silky green dress as my hood turned into a purple hood, my normal boots turned into a pair of cute purple winter boots. 

The amethyst stopped glowing and floated right in-between the strings of my hood connecting both strings. I took a look at myself before squeling with excitement. 

I looked so cute! 

"What do you think Gandalf?" I ask, Gandalf looked at me before meowing. I'll take that as a 'you look good' I look at myself once more, "C'mon Gandalf let's go inside, its almost dark out." I said heading out of the cave. 

Wow, the magic here is actually real. Maybe I could actually achieve my dreams here, I just hope FWhip is okay without me.

Better look out world.

A New Empire is rising.

Word count: 1383 words 

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