Question three!

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LittleVanlliaBug: "Q/A for Sun and Moon:
How do you fly across the rooms?
And why?
I dont see the necessary use to scare the shit out of people."

Sun: Well my sunshine! We use fairy dust in order to make us fly!

Moon: They arent kids. Nobody believe that shit anymore.


Moon: You see, we are attached to a bungee string that can make us fly and stay in the air. Kids ask to use it so they can fly sometimes but they arent allowed to though or they will strangle themselves.

Sun: Yeah..anyways! We don't use it to scare people-

Moon: Who is "WE". I use it to scare kids and parents whenever I want to.

Sun: -sigh-...As I was saying before being RUDELY interrupted. We use it get children off of high surfaces. For a example! If a kid decides to climb the playground at the very top and is too scared to get down, we use our flying skills to help them get down safely!

Moon: I let them fall.

Sun: 😒

Sun: Anyways! I hope that answer your question!

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