Behind The Mask (Part 2)

792 18 33

Word count: 1,642

TW: Mentions of self hate/facial dysphoria and panic attacks

Nevertheless, he trusted his best friend with his growing excitement and curiosity for what the day had to offer.
Tubbo took a left into Ranboo's neighborhood, navigating his car towards his best friend's house. He had forgotten exactly what street Ranboo lived on, so his car came to a halt near one of the street signs. Tubbo squinted, his dyslexia making it difficult to read the sign.

After reading it a few times, he was finally able to decipher the characters to spell out "Greenville Road." The name sparked a memory within his mind, signifying that this was the correct location. He turned onto the street, driving for a moment before his gaze shifted to a familiar house.

His vehicle came to a halt in the driveway. He noticed another car parked in front of his own inside of an open garage; a white car with black doors. One of the headlights was red, the other green; the tail lights followed the same pattern. There was a crown sticker on the back of the car, confirming that it was Ranboo's.

Tubbo swung the driver's door of his vehicle ajar, exiting his car. He lightly trudged up to the front door taking quick strides, hands nestled in his pockets. When Tubbo reached the door, he gently knocked three times. He took a step back and paused, awaiting Ranboo's arrival to invite him inside, but there was no response.

Tubbo knew he was home, so he knocked once more, applying more force this time. As he patiently waited, there still was no response. Concerned, Tubbo removed his phone from his pocket and texted his best friend, explaining that he'd arrived. Even still, there was no response.

He remembered that Ranboo had told him prior to this moment that he was always welcome into his home. With this information in consideration, he slowly twisted the doorknob, revealing that it was unlocked.

"Ranboo? Are you here?" Tubbo asked, timidly peeking his head into the main entrance of the house.

Still, no response.

Confused and concerned, Tubbo entered the living room and began searching each room, careful as to not disturb anything. The house was nearly immaculate, but that did not surprise Tubbo; he knew Ranboo had always been a pristine, organized person. Tubbo had searched nearly every room of the house, when he finally heard a small thump coming from a room above him. Tubbo quietly made his way up the stairs. He felt unsettled and unwelcome as he ascended up the dreary staircase; slightly guilty, even.

When he had reached the top only moments later, he saw the bathroom door slightly ajar to reveal just a small crevice of dim light. He hesitated, as he wouldn't want to intrude on an occupied bathroom. What made him creep forward was the sound he heard that escaped the cracked door; light sobbing.

Tubbo gently creaked the door open a bit more to reveal a crippled figure, curled into a ball on the floor of the bathroom. A pair of black sunglasses were discarded a few feet away from the individual. Tubbo let out a nearly inaudible gasp at the sight, freezing in place.

"Ranboo?" Tubbo asked in a small, concerned voice.

The figure's head instantly snapped up, quickly panning to Tubbo's direction. A pair of wide, deep blue eyes were met with his. Tubbo's eyes widened slightly and his breath hitched. They freezed that way for an instant, but just as quickly as Ranboo had looked towards Tubbo, he swiftly turned away, fumbling for his sunglasses. Tubbo stood shocked for a brief moment before quickly leaning down and grabbing the sunglasses, right before Ranboo was able to grasp them.

Ranboo's POV: Earlier that morning

All of the emotions came flooding in at once. They were overwhelming; self hate, intense sadness, anger, confusion, self disappointment, everything came tumbling down on Ranboo like a pile of large boulders, all caused by one simple action that triggered this abundance of emotions: looking in the mirror.

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