Caught (Part 3)

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Those worries would be for after he and Tommy identified and solved Tubbo's problem.

TW: unhealthy addictions/mentions of mental unstibility

Art by @kla__kaylainnit on insta


Mrs. Puffy, the art instructor, entered the classroom with a radiant smile. She was typically an outgoing and positive person, which Ranboo admired.

After quieting down her pupils, she began calling role. Tommy never payed attention when teachers took attendance, causing him to have some inexcused absences from substitute teachers. Puffy discovered this rather quickly, causing her to never call his name aloud.

Ranboo nervously glanced away from Tommy's gaze as he continued his nervous thought process. He still hadn't the slightest clue to how they would assist Tubbo with his troubles and it was bothering him greatly.

"Psssst, Genderman." Tommy whisper-shouted.

Ranboo's concentration was broken by the nickname. He had just recently obtained the nickname "genderman", and he found it to be humorous.

"Hm?" He hummed in response.

"This class is boring. Wanna skip?" Tommy whispered back.

"What? No! I don't want to miss class." Ranboo replied, mimicking Tommy's tone and volume.

"Ugh, you're such a goodie-twoshoes. C'mon Ranboo, it'll be fine. If we get caught I'll say it's my fault."

Ranboo was still unsure. He had managed to attend school his whole life, never once skipping class before. He has perfect attendance for the most part, giving him a sort of reputation. None of the teachers would expect him to skip, and it was just an elective after all. Tommy, on the contrary, had skipped school a multitude of times. Out of those, he'd only managed to get caught about twice.

"Ranboo, it's art class. We do nothing but draw stick figures and lines that are supposed to depict landscapes." Tommy rolled his eyes.

"No, you're just trash at art." Ranboo chuckled.

"Whatever. My point is, it won't matter if we skip." Tommy had a point, and Ranboo wouldn't make a habit of this.

"Fine. What do we do though?" He asked.

"I've got an idea. Since I've got a reputation for skipping class, how about you ask to go to the restroom first? She won't suspect you. I'll meet you in a minute." Tommy explained.

"Tommy, Ranboo. Ms. Puffy scolded. Is there a reason why you two have been chattering throughout my entire lesson so far?" She placed her hands upon her hips in disapproval.

"Ah- we're sorry Ms.-"

"Ranboo doesn't feel good. I was trying to help him. He said he's feeling ill." Tommy interrupted.

Puffy raised an eyebrow. "Is this true Ranboo?" she asked. Ranboo felt bad lying, so he only nodded in response.

"Alright, do you need to go to the nurse?"

"Yes please- that would help, thank you." Ranboo politely replied.

"Alright, go ahead; take this slip." She set a nurse form on her desk. Ranboo retrieved the yellow slip of thin paper and exited the room.

Now, he had to head to the restrooms. This was a perfect plan, considering the teacher wouldn't be expecting him back to class any time soon. If he got caught, he could show the official his nurse slip as proof to why he's not in his classroom.

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