A Strange Encounter (Part 2)

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Whipping around to face it, he was met with a sight he had certainly not expected.

What lay before him was a figure sitting atop a thick branch in a live oak many feet above him. This wasn't just any figure. Tubbo hadn't the slightest clue as to what this creature may be.

A tall, lanky boy with humanoid features in addition to a mythical outward appearance was settled between two branches of the large tree. The mysterious creature appeared to be frightened at Tubbo's sudden attention to him.

His face was split between two colors; a deep Midnight black and a vibrant snow white. His eyes were his most intriguing feature however, one being a deep ruby red, the other being a shimmering emerald green.

If Tubbo wasn't so frightened, he would've been more fascinated by the sight. Standing taller to gain a more confident appearance, Tubbo raised his axe to his side.

"Who are you- or should I ask: what are you?" He began. The creature only made a strange, deep,  rumbling noise in reply. Tubbo recognized this sound, but couldn't quite remember where he'd heard it.

"Please- don't hurt me. I come in peace; I assure you, I don't want to provoke any harm." The figure suddenly spoke.

Tubbo tilted his head at an angle in surprise, hesitantly lowering his axe. He had to admit, the lanky boy didn't look very intimidating, only- different.

"And to answer your questions - the boy continued in a deep, but rather calming voice - My name is Ranboo. I'm an enderman hybrid." He explained.

"An enderman hybrid?" Tubbo's voice was instantly laced with fear. Ranboo was quick to recognize the tone at which he spoke.

"Don't be afraid, I promise I won't hurt you." Ranboo reassured. "What's your name by the way?" He asked curiously.

"My name is Tubbo." He hesitantly replied. Tubbo had never met an enderman of any sort before, causing his trust to waver with uncertainty.

"That's a nice name." Ranboo cooed. He lightly hopped down from his current position in the tree and onto the ground with a quiet thump.

Tubbo instinctively took a step back, increasing the distance between he and the strange ender hybrid. Ranboo didn't seem to take offense to this, as he'd expected the action.

"Thanks.." Tubbo replied cautiously. "Did you happen to steal my wood by any chance?" he wondered aloud, changing the subject.

He noticed Ranboo's expression quickly change from neutral to guilty. His ears sagged downwards slighlty, only adding to his obvious display of guilt.

"Well- I can explain." He began. Tubbo only furrowed his brows angrily at Ranboo and stuck the head of his axe in the ground beneath them making Ranboo lighlty flinch at the action.

"It wasn't my intention to steal them." He quickly continued, noticing Tubbo's increasing anger. "You see, I just arrived here at the over world from the End. I don't know much about this realm, so I got curious after seeing your wagon full of strange contents. We don't have trees in the end, so I'm only now learning about wood."

"So what did you do with it?" Tubbo asked, his anger reducing by the slightest.

"Oh. I took a few logs up to my perch in the tree to inspect them while you were daydreaming, but I ended up losing my balance and falling out of the tree into the- water."

He seemed to infasize "water" as if it was the devil himself.

"Do you not like water?" Tubbo questioned. Ranboo aggressively shook his head, backing even further away from the lovely lake behind Tubbo.

"No, not one bit. Water hurts us endermen. It causes us to- dissolve I guess you could say."

Tubbo's eyes widened a bit. "Are you okay then?" He asked with concern unintentionally dripping from his tone. Instantly, he connected the incident to the thing that had fallen from the tree earlier.

"Yeah, luckily I was able to escape the water before it did much damage." Ranboo rubbed his arm lightly, signifying he had still been slighlty harmed.

"I thought you were a snake." Tubbo admitted, chuckling aloud at his own theory.

Ranboo huffed. "What are you alluding to?"

"Nothing, nothing I swear! You look pretty cool." Tubbo admitted before filtering his thoughts.

"Why thank you. Speaking of looking cool, what are you? Your species is quite intriguing as well."

"Oh, I'm only a goat/ram hybrid." Tubbo replied. He'd really never thought of himself as anything out of the ordinary, but it was nice that ranboo saw him that way.

If Tubbo were to be honest, he was quite curious as to where Ranboo came from; "the End", as he called it.

Tubbo blinked suddenly, noticing that Ranboo was no longer in front of him. Frightened, he spun around, peering in all directions. How did he disappear so quickly? When he heard a tree branch rustle above him, his gaze swiftly shifted upward to reveal Ranboo occupied with something on the same branch he had satten upon prior.

"Ranboo? What are you do-" Tubbo got interrupted as the hybrid climbed down from the tree, now carrying several logs within his grasp.

"Here ya go." Ranboo handed them to Tubbo with an award smile. "Sorry for taking them, I should've asked first, but if I'm being honest, I was a little scared of you.." He explained.

"Scared? Of me?" Tubbo asked, baffled. "Why?"

"Oh, you know. People aren't huge fans of endermen in this realm. I figured that out the hard way." He mumbled.

Tubbo slightly pitied the strange boy, for it wasn't his fault he was different. He decided to show him a little needed kindness.

"Hey- uh, Ranboo? Would you like to accompany me and visit my cottage?" He asked with a timid tone. He didn't regret asking, as Ranboo's face instantly lit up, his eyes becoming brighter, more vibrant somehow.

"Sure!!" He agreed delightfully.


The trudge home through the woods wasn't nearly as boring of an experience with a companion. Tubbo had begun to question why he'd ever feared this kind boy. Ranboo was humorous, making Tubbo chuckle several times throughout their brief journey home.

After about 15 minutes of walking, Ranboo noticed Tubbo's walking pace begun to slow. He looked tired, so Ranboo (being the helpful Mr. Boo he is) swapped places with Tubbo, grabbing hold of the wagon's handle and pulling it the remaining distance to their desired location.

Tubbo looked over at the tall boy, a bit surprised.

'That was nice of him.' He thought, almost forgetting to thank him. "Oh- uhh thanks!" He quickly sputtered out.

"No problem!" Ranboo gave him a warm smile that sent a strange feeling to Tubbo's stomach. He was confused for a brief moment, before reasoning in his head.

'All I know, he thought, is I'm beginning to like this strange ender boy.'

Hope you guys enjoyed! ✌️

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