Manhunt - Poem

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Hi!! So this isn't a oneshot, but it's a poem I wrote in which I compare dream's manhunts to the course of life! It's simple, but I packed it with references (they're all in bold.)

Life is a manhunt
Always on the run
No time for relaxing
No time for fun

All you do is lose
You're never out of sight
You run and you run
You hide and you fight

But in the end
You can't escape
They'll always prevale
And lock you in chains

When all hope is lost
And you cannot hide
Take control of your life
And switch to their side

Now you can be free
And feeling alive
So go chase your dreams
Through this manhunt of life

Lemme know what y'all think! Yes, I referenced dream being in prison and then escaping as well as mentioning the end and "live" as in live streaming on twitch 😃

I'm pretty proud of how many references I was able to pack into this! Okie love y'all bye <3 hasta luego personas, tengo que estudiar por el examine en la clase de español mañana.

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