Caught (Part 2)

272 14 13

(TW?): Minor swearing

'Don't worry Tubbo! Mr. Boo is here to assist you.' He thought confidently.


The school bell rang with a startling, and extremely loud, alarm tone that signaled the beginning of the school day. Ranboo's first period was Geometry, while Tubbo's first period happened to be French. They only had two classes together, which were third and forth period.

With a friendly wave, Ranboo advanced towards his geometry class. He liked math, but it certainly wouldn't classify as his favorite subject. With his arrival to class came an obnoxious greeting from his other best friend, Tommy.

"Hey boss man!" Tommy exclaimed in an almost over enthusiastic tone. He slapped Ranboo's back, intending for the action to display a friendly manner, but ended up only causing Ranboo to wince at the sudden blow.

He chuckled, for he was acclimated to these interactions with his obnoxious best friend.

"Good mornin' Tommy." He replied. The pair took their seats in the typical places near the back of the classroom. Tommy carelessly slouched in his desk. Unlike Ranboo, he hated anything remotely related to math. The only listed reason why he was even present in the class was because the credit was mandatory to graduate.

"What cha' been up to, Ranboo?" Tommy asked in his thick, British accent. Ranboo had recently moved to this school in the UK, resulting in him being the only one with an American accent attending the academy.

"Umm, nothing much. I have made a decision though." He stated while drawing his math folder from within his backpack.

"What's on your mind?" Tommy asked curiously, not bothering to withdraw his folder.

"I'm sure you've noticed a change in Tubbo lately, right?" He began explaining.

"Yeah, what's wrong with Tubs? He used to be so energetic and passionate most of the time. Lately, he's been all gloomy and hard to talk to." Tommy wondered aloud.

"That's just the thing, I'm not sure- Ranboo started- but I've taken it upon myself to discover the cause for his sudden difference in attitude and help correct it."

Tommy returned his statement with a nod of approval. He too, wanted to help his best friend. Even if it wasn't in Tubbo's nature to vent, they would discover a way to gain the information regardless.

"Alright, well we all have lunch together. How about we start asking him questions then?" Tommy suggested.

"Well, I'm not sure if Tubbo would be comfortable just answering personal questions at lunch. How about we explain our concerns for him and give him the opportunity to vent before asking anything personal?" Ranboo reasoned.

"Good plan, Bossman."

The bell rang once more, slightly startling Ranboo for the second time that morning. The professor silently entered the room, causing the low murmurs and hums of voices within the classroom cease.

The class began with the typical routine of answering a "bell-ringer" question that was inscribed upon the board prior to the daily lesson. The professor, Mr. Watson, called upon Tommy to answer the first bell-ringer question.

"Number one: We are finding the volume of a three dimensional figure. In this case, a cone. What is the formula for volume of a cone? Tommy, would you like to answer?

Ranboo shot a glance towards his friend's direction and notices Tommy hadn't completed the bell-ringer assignment. He lazily adjusted his position before responding.

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