The Boy From The End - Part 2

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//AN: // As requested by various readers, I present to you: a part 2! Enjoy lovelies AND TYSM FOR 2K READS HOLY--

TW/CW: A li'Le biT o' LaNguAgE o_O

𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽: 2,030 😳

Previously: Despite the fact that the two had just met, they were able to start conversations rather easily. Judging by the way the two interacted, Tubbo believed that Ranboo could be trusted.


The two newly acquainted friends utilized the remaining minutes of lunch conversing about topics regarding their families, home life, interests, etc. After approximately 20 minutes, lunch concluded with an abrupt, and rather alarming ring of the school bell.

Both Tubbo and Ranboo discarded their trays into the rubbish ben and started back to class. Tubbo smiled brightly over at his new friend, feeling an intense happiness to have finally become acquainted with someone that interested him; Ranboo was fascinatingly peculiar after all.

"Hey, Tubbo?" Ranboo asked between giggles while they returned back to the classroom, taking small strides to extend their time together.

"Yes?" Tubbo responded, curiosity audible in his tone.

"Would you like to sometimes and chat outside of school? I mean- since we don't have many classes together?" He asked, seemingly worried.

"Of course! That sounds like a good idea! Here, I'll give you my number." Tubbo replied cheerfully. He swiftly inscribed his phone number upon a small, square sticky note before handing it to his new friend.

Ranboo read the note noticing the boys number accompanied by the message "call or text me whenever you want! :D"

A smile formed to his face as he read the words, but another thought bubbled in his head.

"Oh, I should probably warn you, we endermen and ender hybrids don't sleep nearly as much as others because we only require a couple hours of sleep to function properly." He lightly explained.

Tubbo chuckled. "Why would that matter? That sounds like my normal sleeping schedule as well." Ranboo smirked, but answered his question.

"Well, I was worried I would wake you up if I called or texted when you might be sleeping. I just learned today that most others get significantly more sleep than we do, so I wouldn't want to disturb you." He considerately explained.

"Well, you probably won't have to worry about that because my sleep schedule is crap." Tubbo triumphantly and shamelessly announced.

"Alright then, thanks." Ranboo chuckled.

"I guess I'll see you later, it's time for my next class." Tubbo changed the subject.

"Yeah, alright! Have a nice time in your other classes!" Ranboo called, waving behind Tubbo.

"Don't know about that, school is downright boring! Thanks anyway! Tubbo yelled back, loudly enough for multiple teachers to hear.

Ranboo laughed quietly as he advanced towards his next class, hearing the fading sound of a teacher scolding Tubbo behind him.

Ranboo fumbled to retrieve his house keys from within his pockets. Once he grasped ahold of them, he gently turned them in the lock and quietly stepped inside of his new house. He and his family had just recently moved into a house west of Kinoko Kingdom, but the only good school district near was located in L'Manburg; however, the drive was, surprisingly, fairly short.

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