Caught - (Part 4)

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TW: Mentions of unhealthy addictions

Tubbo, his best friend that he cared about deeply, had developed an unhealthy addiction to vaping for the last 2 months- and both he and Tommy had been completely oblivious.

He and Tommy were too late.


Tubbo, looking a bit ashamed to be caught in the action, backed a bit further away from his two friends. He kept his gaze diverted to the floor, not daring to make eye contact with either of the boys standing around him.

After a brief silence of the idea settling in both Ranboo and Tommy's minds, Ranboo started thinking of possible ways to help Tubbo. Perhaps they weren't too late, they could get him professional help.

"H-hey Tubbo?" Ranboo finally asked cautiously, his voice subtly cracking. Tubbo didn't respond, but glanced over in Ranboo's direction to display that he was listening.

"If this has been going on for 2 months, there isn't much we can do to help you. Well-Tommy and I... can't help you."

Right after the words escaped his mouth, Tommy looked over at him defensively.

"What? You're not even going to try? This is our best friend Ranboo! We can't just stand by while his addiction continues to progressively get worse!" He yelled, his voice echoing through the stalls of the bathroom.

Ranboo flinched slightly, but continued. "However, others can help you. What I mean by that is, well, professionals." He finished.

Tommy studied him for a minute realizing that he had interrupted him a bit too early.

"Oh, well I guess you're right. Sorry." He apologized. Ranboo nodded and both looked towards Tubbo to see his reaction.

Tubbo's eyes has widened and something resembling fear was held within them. A mixture of emotions could be visible, however, such as confusion, worry, guilt, and distress. Ranboo subtly tilted his head, silently asking Tubbo what he thought of the idea.

"Professional help?-" His voice quietly sounded. "As in, strangers? People I don't know or trust?" He asked worridely.

"Well, you'll get to know them." Ranboo calmly answered. "You'll learn to trust them, I mean, they are trained to help with addictions such as yours after all."

Tubbo flinched at the word "addiction." He had never considered it to be an addiction, but moreso, an escape. An escape from the pain, something to help ease his overwhealming emotions.

"We know how you have social anxiety, but we'll be there by your side to help you through it!" Tommy piped up in encouragement, seeing as Tubbo's expression changed and twisted, displaying various emotions in his thought process as he mentally debated over the idea.

"Well... I guess I could try." He finally answered in nearly a whisper. Ranboo and Tommy had eagerly awaited that responce and quickly responded in support of Tubbo's decision.

"That's the spirit, my friend!" Tommy yelled, bringing Tubbo into a rather tight embrace. Tubbo smiled slightly at his friend's extreme entusiasm and hugged him back.

Ranboo stood several feet away, silently spectating, as something still weighed in his mind. Tubbo looked at him curiously, wondering why he wasn't nearly as entusiatic as Tommy was.

Ranboo quickly noticed the confused glance and responded.

"Um- Tubbo?" He asked.


"You were- well- doing this as a way to ease your pain, right? Pain in your personal life? I know you haven't been the happiest lately." He began.

Tubbo subtly and slowly nodded, causing Tommy to become a bit more serious in the moment of realization.

"Well, helping you with your emotional stability is something Tommy and I could try assisting you with." He finished.

Tubbo smiled slightly, walking over to position himself in front of Ranboo.

"Thank you, that would be appreciated." He responded with simply, giving his best friend a smile of gratitude.

Ranboo returned the smile, nodding in responce.

"Of course. We'll do everything we can, just be sure to let us know what we can do to help. We really care about you Tubbo, more than you know." Ranboo finished.

Tubbo diverted his glance behind him, catching sight of Tommy, who nodded in confirmation to Ranboo's previous claims. Tubbo turned back to Ranboo, not knowing how to express the extreme gratitude he currently felt towards his closest friends.

Not knowing any other way to respond, he pulled Ranboo into a tight hug, wrapping his arms around the other's waist. He buried his face in Ranboo's lower chest, attempting to hide his expression as he teared up. No one had ever shown him this level of kindness and concern; it meant a lot to Tubbo.

Ranboo flushed slightly, quickly returning the hug, embracing the shorter boy and gently squeezing him. He could feel his fluffy brown locks softly rub against his inner arms, only adding to the warmth of the hug.

Tommy watched the other two for a brief moment before ranboo extended one of his arms towards Tommy, inviting him to join the embrace. Tommy instantly accepted the offer, all three joining in on the group hug. All three felt an intense, yet indescribable friendly passion for one another in that moment.

Maybe things would be okay after all...

AN: Sorry for the short chapter!! I know my chapter are always 1k+ words long, but I don't know what else to add to this one! Also sorry if it's cringe -3-'
Regardless, I hope you enjoyed reading, see ya next time!! I'll try to update this book for frequently, but I'm fixing to go on a week long roadtrip to Florida in the middle of June! (Yes, 3 dsmp references in one sentence >:D)

Anyway byyyeeee love you!! Stay safe, healthy, and have a wonderful day everyone!! <333

Word count: 950

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