The Boy From The End

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Context: This is a school AU that takes place in L'Manburg. In this timeline, endermen and other creatures/people from the End are almost never found in other parts of the SMP, making them extremely rare. Most of L'Manburg's inhabitants don't even know they exist...

Tubbo strolled through the hallways of his High school. Despite the day having just begun around 30 minutes prior, he was already wishing to return home.

The school wasn't very large; more of an average scaled school. The problem was, Tubbo didn't know anyone, considering he had just moved to L'Manburg over the summer break. Giving that he hadn't been attending the school for very long and he had slight social anxiety, he still had yet to make any close friends. He had only briefly encountered a few others and met some other students on occasions, but no bonds had been formed.

Tubbo swiftly slid into his desk the immediate second before the bell rang in his next class; History. He groaned slightly as the professor went over the day's lesson plans. Needless to say, history wasn't Tubbo's favorite subject, but he typically didn't mind it too much.

"Before we start today's unit, I would like to introduce the class to a new student that will be joining us today. He is from a land far away and isn't familiar with L'Manburg, so I would appreciate it if you all helped him feel welcome here." The teacher began.

Tubbo adjusted his posture slightly. Finally, something new. Every day felt the exact same; so much so, that Tubbo had lost track of what day of the week and month it was.

The teacher motioned for someone to enter the room. The door lightly creaked open, revealing a figure that was positioned outside of the classroom. Tubbo, along with many others, released a small gasp.

A tall, slender boy entered the classroom; but this was no ordinary boy. His skin was half black, half white. He had Heterochromia, one eye being bright green, the other a vibrant red. Small horns were visible within his sea of black and white hair, as well as strange elf-like ears. His body barely looked solid, but rather a liquid and a gas combined.

Tubbo stared with widened eyes, as the figure approached the front of the classroom. He looked to be very timid, and tried to avoid the gazes of the class. Tubbo was mesmerized. He had never seen such a creature before, let alone think they existed.

"Class, I would like to introduce you to Ranboo." The teacher spoke aloud. "Ranboo, would you like to share something about you to the class? Is there anything important we should know about you?"

"I- um.. well, he stuttered, I suppose so. Umm, hello. As you know, my name is Ranboo. I'm from the End. I hope to learn more about your country, as this is my first time visiting it. I'm an Enderman hybrid, I assume you're unfamiliar with our kind. We hate water, it harms us and we prefer not to be looked in the eyes." He explained.

"Thank you for educating us on your kind, Ranboo. You may find a seat now." The teacher replied.

Ranboo walked over to a seat that was across the room from Tubbo's current position and sat next to a boy with long, pale pink hair that was tied back into a braid. Tubbo couldn't recall his name, but he didn't dare cross his path, nor interact with him, as the boy was extremely intimidating.


The lesson continued, but Tubbo couldn't stop glancing over towards the new boy. He observed the ender hybrid's agile movements. Tubbo also noticed the boy's unnatural height. He was much taller than most every student in the class.

After what seemed like centuries of zoning out and focusing before zoning out once more, the lunch bell rang at last. Tubbo swiftly gathered his belongings and strode out of the room, in attempt to catch up with Ranboo's quick pace. He wanted to know more about this "ender hybrid", as he was called.

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