A Strange encounter (Part 1)

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Tubbo had finished collecting wood within the lively ecosystem of the forest. He brought a hand up to his forehead, slightly shoving his bangs aside to wipe the streak if sweat from a top his brow. It had been another long, tiring day of chores.

He gathered the logs together in a bundle and hauled them onto his wagon. With one final releasing of the logs within his grasp, he sighed with relief. Alas, his daily wood collecting was complete. Tubbo pulled a miniature notepad he always carried with him from his satchel.

Grabbing a pen in addition to the notebook, he scratched the chore off of his checklist.

"Done, done, done, and done." He mumbled to himself, re-reading the page.

After putting the book away, he peered upwards towards the sun, careful as to not look directly into it. He used its position in the sky to calculate the current time of day it was. He concluded that it was near 3:00 PM.

As he began to haul his heavy wagon back towards his cottage, he noticed something out of the corner of his vision to his left. Looking over, he spotted a beautiful lake sparkling in the rays of sunlight colliding with the water's surface.

Minor ripples were visible within the clear water as tubbo advanced closer. It was a hypnotizing sight, shining in its divinity. Once Tubbo had approached the lake, he realized he'd left his wagon behind.

He could still see it from his current position, however, so he didn't seem to care much. Reaching down, he rolled up the bottoms of his jean overall's pants to a knee-length and shoved the cuffs of his sweater to sit just above his elbows.

Tubbo gently waded into the water, carefully placing his hooves as to not disrupt any wildlife. He had proceeded into the lake until the waters we're nearly knee deep before stopping and enjoying the cool temperature of the minuscule body of water. He closed his eyes and tilted his head toward the sky, letting the warm breeze blow through his curly brown locks. His goat ears gently shifted in the warm breeze. This was a moment Tubbo wished could last forever; so tranquil, so blissful.

Tubbo was so mesmerized by the peaceful atmosphere, he scarcely noticed the gentle sound of rustling to his left. He only focused on allowing this moment to last just a moment longer. All of his nerves had relaxed, his mind clear of troubled thoughts, his senses freshly opened to nature.

Against Tubbo's wishes, the moment was rather suddenly interrupted by a loud bang and the sound of wood falling nearby. Tubbo jolted out of his trance, quickly panning his head to the direction of the noise.

His wagon was laying upon it's side; the contents of the transporter toppled onto the ground askew. Tubbo tilted his head at a slight angle studying the scene. Figuring it was merely the wind, he slid back into his calming transe.

In favor of Tubbo's desires, time seemed to stand still for an instant. He bathed in the afternoon rays of warm sunlight, savoring every fresh breath of oxegon that entered his lungs. The temperature was perfect for his comfort, only inhancing the perfect moment.

Once again, Tubbo was startled by another sound, this time coming from above him. Strange.

His head instantly snapped upward to reveal nothing more than a tall willow tree, gently swaying in the wind. It shielded Tubbo's view from the bright sun. He tried not to become suspicious of the noise, yet something didn't settle right in his gut; almost as if it was the feeling of being watched.

Rather than leaving the area, Tubbo only leaned against a rock next to him within the lake. He layed back, applying most of his body weight onto the large rock to bask in the rays of sunlight that gently streamed over him.

Just as he was about to close his eyes once more, an obnoxiously loud splash followed by a strange hissing noise to his right startled Tubbo, causing him to loose his balance against the rock. He crashed through the surface of the water, submerging his entire body in the torso-deep lake.

Scrambling back onto his hooves and regaining his balance, Tubbo gasped for air. He coughed out the small portion of water he had inhaled before pinning his soaking wet bangs atop his head to clear his view. His bangs were naturally long enough to nearly cover his eyes, but when they were wet, he was blinded completely.

Tubbo recovered from the sudden shock and studied his surroundings. All that was left behind from the scene were large ripples near him that stretched to the river bank. Tubbo was intrigued by the sight; not by the ripples, but what was in the middle of them.

A strange white smoke-like substance was left behind within the ripples. It clouded up the clear water surrounding it, making it clearly visible against the sand beneath it.

Tubbo dared not get too close, as for all he knew it could've been some type of poison. Then, Tubbo remembered the hissing noise that had directly followed the loud splash.

'Perhaps a snake fell from the tree above me and spit venom because it was startled.' Tubbo reasoned in his head. 'It must've swam away.'

Although Tubbo suspected the incident was nothing, he decided it was time to head back to his home to drop off the wood. Tomorrow he planned on selling the resources in the market. Tubbo cautiously waded out of the lake, being careful as to not come into contact with the strange smoke substance. He silently climbed out of the water and headed towards his wagon, dripping water along the way.

When he approached the fallen over wagon, he was quick to notice the lack of wood inside of it. He knew that he had collected a much larger quantity than the small portion that was currently visible.

"HEY! DID SOMEONE STEAL MY WOOD?" He yelled, whipping around to face the opposite direction. He pulled out his axe and adjusted his position in one swift movement.

There was nothing to be heard in response, but the distant calling of birds that soared far above the forest. Tubbo forrowed his brows in both confusion and frustration.

He had spent all morning collecting that wood with only a brief snack break. Chopping wood was a timely activity and he wouldn't tollerate someone stealing his resources and wasting his time.

"SHOW YOURSELF IMMEDIATELY OR- OR I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN MYSELF." He announced his threat rather loudly.

Again, his only response was silence. That was, until he heard a distinct rustle from a nearby tree.

Whipping around to face it, he was met with a sight he had certainly not expected.

Part 2 will be coming soon, don't fret my children 🤧 Nevertheless, hope you enjoyed!

𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽: 1,166

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