「Vincent」| ☾ | 「1 - Meeting a Vampire」

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It was a normal day, birds were singing, flowers were  blooming, and you were at the park under your favorite cherry tree. The beautiful pastel-pink leaves brought you at peace for some reason. 

You were reading a  book, when suddenly you heard a hiss. 
You thought it was probably a cat since stray cats roam your town a lot, but there were no cats around.

But you did notice someone trying to shield themselves from the sunlight. They had an all black shirt with a striped tie and red eyeshadow. 

One key thing you notice was... "Are those fangs?" you shook your head, "There's no way that a vampire could be roaming around my neighborhood.. Then again-" 

Suddenly, they hissed loudly. "Yeah, that's a vampire." you stepped closer and noticed he had a collar of some kind, it said "Vincent"  so, you could only guess that's his name.

He looked over at me and snarled "Hey, don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you."
He stepped closer, still angry and still burning because of the sun. "I'm gonna get you to where it's safe out of the sun, okay?"
"S..s-sa..safe?" he seemed to have trouble speaking, it was actually kind of cute.

You nodded, "Mhm." he seemed to calm down a bit.
He followed you back to your house, sun still shining bright.

You both got to your house and got him inside. "Have you worn anything but this suit and tie?" you asked. He shook his head. "Hold on. Stay right there okay?" 

You get a black, oversized hoodie, a black short-sleeved shirt with a red stripe on it, and some black sweatpants to wear. 

You help him undo his tie and unbutton his shirt. "Jeez, I guess vampires don't know how to do anything..." you said quietly, he pouted.
"Oh, you- Oh not that you don't know-- Y'know..." you stuttered. "I-.. um... N-no.. not ma...m-m--" he stuttered, trying to form a sentence, "I know what you meant." you chuckled.

You helped him get the rest of the outfit on, minus the hoodie. "Feel comfortable?" you asked. He nodded, and smiled. 

「Vampire Gerard (Vincent) x Reader」| ☾ | 【Ongoing】Where stories live. Discover now