「Vincent & Party Poison」| ☾ | 「9 - Missing Vampire pt.2」

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Party Poison seemed to be shielding them self from the rain. Their boots were covered in mud. Vincent started to run after them.

Startled by his footsteps, Party Poison suddenly pulled their gun out and-

They fired their gun not realizing who it was they had just shot.

(Back at Y/N's house)
"Hey Vince, have you seen my phone anywhere?" you ask, expecting an answer..


"Vince?" you looked around, panicked.
That's when you heard it. 

The gunshot.

You put a coat on and hurriedly rushed outside, "VINCENT!? VINCENT!!" you call out.
You run over to where you heard the gunshot. That's when you saw it.

It was Party Poison.
They were holding a gun.
They were covered in blood.
Vince was lying on the ground in front of them.
You knew it was Party Poison who shot him.

Somehow you could tell it was an accident though, so you weren't upset at Party Poison.

"Vince..?" Party Poison said, falling to their knees. "Vince? Vince!!?"
He held Vince, tears streaming down their face, "Vince, please... Wake up! WAKE UP!" 

It took you a moment, but then you noticed it.
Vince. Pale and lifeless. Almost like he was... dead.

You ran over to them, tearing up. "Vince?" you held Vince in your arms, "Vince, please wake up!" you sobbed, holding him close. "I think it's best we get him back to the house.." Party said. 

You took Vince back home and laid him in bed. Party Poison wrapped a bandage around Vince's wound. 
You sat down next to Vince. Suddenly you felt him leaning against your chest, you wrapped your arm around him.

Party Poison changed out of their bloodstained clothes, "Hey Y/N, you're sure you're not mad about what happened?" they asked. "I know you didn't mean it." you said, calmly.
 "But what if he's actually dead? What if we didn't get back quick enough? What if-" you cut them off, "Wait, why are you so concerned about him anyway?" you ask.

Party Poison sighed, 
"Me and Vince used to be really good friends. We used to spend all our time together." they said. "It wasn't until someone new arrived in town.-"

"Wait, new? W-What do you mean?" you asked. 

"Well, they had short white hair. At first glance they seemed to have brown eyes, but they were black, almost like they were wearing eye contacts. They wore black nearly all the time, but the day they arrived, they wore a black hoodie, black jeans, and black boots." Party Poison said. "But, that's beside the point." Party said, getting back to his story.

"When that new person got here.. He almost never went outside, he just spent all his time indoors. Almost like... a vampire."

「Vampire Gerard (Vincent) x Reader」| ☾ | 【Ongoing】Where stories live. Discover now