Spring break went broke: chapter 9

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It begins with the I.M.P van moving through the city.....

Blitz: i love this song!

Blitz begins to sing along with the music but almost messing up a little, Loona has a annoyed face, Moxxie cover his ears, Millie looking out the window, and Brief, he enjoys the music a little and pets Fastener gently, he also remembers what Lucifer said to him during his training.


Brief: *deep inhale & exhale* man, it's harder than i thought.

Lucifer: you're right, to you...it is, but to me...it's not.

Brief: easy for you to say, you're the devil.

Lucifer: listen, you're doing it all wrong, if you want to do a transformation, you must focus all your rage into power and the power will respond to your call.

Brief: so....i have to learn how channel my rage?

Lucifer: yes, but don't lose yourself to it, you'll become a horrific monster if you do.

Brief: hmm.......*looks at the time* oh shit, i gotta go! i'm gonna be late!! Fastener, let's move!

Fastener: fas!

(Flashback end)

Brief:*thinking* how am i suppose to focus my rage? do i need something to-


The van stops with force and Brief holds on to the seat and Fastener from falling off.

Blitz: oh, you "suck for life" do ya? *grabs a megaphone* listen up, you unoriginal pink cum dump!! you have three goddamn seconds to get your tampon race car out of my parking spot!

The driver steps out and it reveals to be...

Blitz: oh shit! Verosika!?

Verosika: *blows a bubble & pops it* Blitzo...

Blitz: i should've known you'd be here, i can smell fish for miles, which is odd, because i believe the nearest ocean is....*falls to the ground* three rings down!!

Brief:*thinking* three rings? ocean? here in hell?

Verosika: and i should've known you'd be here when i heard the amber alerts.

Brief goes to the back of the van & uses his cloak to hide himself.

Blitz: oh yeah? i'm surprise they let your fat ass out of rehab, i can see your still a drunken whore, clutching onto that beelzejuice bottle like it's the last cock in hell.

Verosika: they let me out because i'm still famous and rehab is for sad loser washups, so your sister says hi.

Blitz: why are you parking here? this is the only parking spot my company has, so take your tampon race car somewhere else.

Verosika: actually prick, it has my name on it, i'm doing a bit of freelance for one of the infinitely more successful companies in the buliding...

Loona: ...no way...

Brief: Loona, can you explain who's she?

Loona: seriously?! you don't know who she is?!

Brief: no, but she looks like a popstar.

Loona: that's because she is! Verosika Mayday's her name!

Brief: Verosika Mayday? Why do I feel like i've heard that name before?

Verosika: ....and they want me to lead their team during spring break.

Blitz: a week!? no no, you are not parking here for a fucking week!

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