C.H.E.R.U.B: Chapter 10

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Brief yawns as he was soaring through the skies.

Brief: man, maybe i should've taken Charlie's offer of taking a break.

Fastener: fas.

Brief: i know, she insisted like ten times, but you know me, i'm stubborn.

Chuck: chuck...

Brief: and i still haven't forgotten about what you told us Chuck, can't believe Panty & Stocking has to slingshot you for testing & made it all the way to the beach, glad we were there.

Chuck(happy): chuck!

Fastener(unhappy): fas....

Brief: look Fastener, i know you and Chuck hate each other, but you need to learn how to get along, who knows....there might be a creature that can eat you guys like dessert.

Fastener's & Chuck's eyes widen, they look at each other and nods quickly.

Brief: good, you two will try to get along, now prepare yourselves, we're here.

Brief lands on the open window and sees Blitz & Millie sitting and across from them is a T.V that is showing child-like commercial show.

Brief: AH!! CRINGE!!!

Brief grabs Blitz's gun and shoots at it.

Millie: wow! nice one, Brief!

Biltz: hey, that was my shot!

Brief: sorry, seeing stuff like that can REALLY make me cringe hard,*gives the gun back* i can see Loona's having a short break.

Blitz: hey Mox, gimme another.

Moxxie removes the broken T.V. and puts a new one, while they're looking for a channel to shoot at, Brief sets Fastener & Chuck on the table and looks out the window.

Brief(thinking): man, i'm getting so used to this, i find it quite enjoyable, hope Gater doesn't find out about me killing humans, then again...there are humans who deserve death, even if they try to escape from it.

He heard another explosion behind him and sees Moxxie on the ground infront of the broken T.V, he then felt some rumbling around the room.

Loona: guys, do you feel that?

Blitz: oh shit, is that a hell shake?

Brief: is that even possible?

Moxxie: of course not, hell shakes don't happe—

Loona: STOP GETTING HYSTERICAL FATTY!!!!*shakes him & slaps him across the room*

Millie: alright! don't panic!! Brief, just come and hold on to me!!

Suddenly, the wall breaks apart, Brief manage to make his tail appear and grabs Moxxie to pull him out of the way, then a sinner comes in through the wall.

???: do not be afraid.

Blitz: please tell me you got that insurance thing.

Millie: *stands infront of Brief while holding a axe* who are you and what do you want?!

Loopty: i am Loopty Goopty, dastardly inventor of all things loopy and loopish~!

Loona: could've just used the door, dude, doesn't have to be this whole thing.

Brief: i agree with her.

Loopty: i am eccentric and must therefore do eccentric shit! *does a wavy dance*

Blitz: *sniffs him* ugh! this old fuck reeks of the living world, did you just die?

Brief: does living world smell reeks bad? *sniffs his arm*

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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