Changing: chapter 2

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in the morning.....

Brief: ugh... my head... i still need to get use to that.

Brief has been living in his room for two days and today he needs to get back to school.

Brief: alright, i doubt that everyone will talk to me about what happen two days ago.

When brief walking down the sidewalk, he started to feel.....different.

Brief(thinking): man, is it me? or do i feel my entire body feels sore?

Brief has made it to school and they're are no jocks around.

Brief: cool, they're not here, now i can go inside.

But before he can reach the handle, a pink car came out of nowhere.

Brief: oh great, they are here

Panty: ugh!!, i'm getting tired of this fucking school!!! why do we have to be here!?

Stocking: because you want to bang some boys here at school, whore.

Brief: i see that you two are getting tired here, why did you bother to come?

Panty: because the afro told us that a ghost is here at this school!

Stocking: yeah, i agreed on this because he said he owe me some sweets.

Brief: and you seriously buy that, stocking?


Stocking: SON OF A MOTHERFUCKING BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Panty: wow, for once you got good point about garter, geekboy, how about i give you a reward~~

Brief: hey i heard there is a guy who is great at sex and he is in the lunch room

Panty: really!?!??, outta my way!!, i'm gonna find him!

Panty rans inside the school and leaves brief and stocking alone.

Brief: i knew she'll fall for that, she always does.

Stocking: you do know that was—

Brief: "my only chance to sleep with her", i think not, stocking, i feel like i move on.

Stocking: so wait!, your not in love with her anymore??

Brief: yeah, i'm not in love with her.

Suddenly, a red curpit is coming right behind stocking and brief quickly noticed and lift stocking up and at the same time, "the demon sisters came out of the limo and panty came back after she realize that there is no guy" brief jumped really high with stocking in his arms.

Brief: oh man, that was close, good thing, i notice that.

The angel sisters and the demon sisters are really shock that brief was fast enough to save stocking from the carpit.

Brief: oh sorry, stocking(puts her down) i need to get to class now, bye!!!(runs off)

All: what...just...happen??

Lunch time.....

Brief(thinking): how did i do that? and did i say that i'm not in love with panty anymore, although it feels good, it's like i'm free, man, is this what feels like? hmm, but still, what's happening to me? i better talk to garter about this.

(Bell ringing)

Brief: looks like i have P.E. next.

Brief goes to the locker room and change into his p.e clothes, but he noticed he has strong muscles on his body and has abs growing on him.

Brief: what the hell? what's happening?

(on the field)

P.E teacher: ALRIGHT!!!!!! you little shits are going to run to the other side of this field and back with all your might!!!!!!!!!

Brief looks to the right and saw panty and stocking are sitting down on the right side of the bleachers and scanty and kneesocks on the left side.

Brief: why are they doing here? maybe they want to see me suffer while i'll run

P.E teacher: READY!?!?!?! on you mark... get set......GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All the students are off and running towards the other side, but a fast blur just pass all the students and made it to the other side and back.

Panty: WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!

Stocking: THE SHIT?!?!?!!

Scanty: WHAT WAS THAT!?!?!?

Kneesocks: WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?!?!

Everyone was shock to see that someone was fast enough to pass them.

Brief: wait....i'm already here??

P.E. teacher: did you over there and back?

Brief: y-yeeeaaahhh.....

P.E. teacher: HAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brief: what's wrong?

P.E. teacher: you got skills, kid!!!! i like it!!!!

(Bell ringing)

Brief: guess it's time to go home, i wonder what the others think about this?

Brief looks to the right and saw panty, stocking, scanty and kneesocks are super shock and freaked out about brief's speed.

Brief(thinking): okay, i think i should avoid them and head to the church and talk with garter.

After leaving school, brief was walking to the church and head to the front door and knock.

Garterbelt: who is it!?!?

Brief: garter, it's me and we need to talk.

Gartetbelt: fine, come on, sit on the couch.

Brief: where's panty and stocking?

Garterbelt: i sent them to go ghost hunting, so what's the problem?

Brief: something's wrong with me, i'm changing into something that i'm not suppose to be.

Garterbelt: really? like how?

Brief: i think it's the machines that are changing me.

Garterbelt: what!? but they blow up and—


Garterbelt: god, of course!! my machine has the power of god himself and corset's machine has all the strongest demons powers inside it and they both blow up and you were caught in the middle and they give you demon powers and god powers!!!!!

Brief: yes, that's the case, you must not tell panty and stocking and not let corset know about this too, or everything will go crazy.

Garterbelt: i will, those bitches won't know about this!

Brief: thanks garter!

But then, when brief was about to walk the door, chuck came out of nowhere and hop on brief's head.

Brief: huh? what's up chuck?

Garterbelt: wow, i never seen this before, looks like chuck wants to go with you for once.

Brief: really? you want to come with me?

Chuck: *nods*

Brief: hehe, alright, you can come.

Brief and chuck are heading back to brief's house and leaves garter alone.

Garterbelt(thinking): brief, you better not lose yourself or you will fall to the demon side.

To be countiued.......

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