Discovering powers: chapter 5

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The next day....brief woke up from his bed and gets ready for school.

Brief: man.....i can't believe the demon sisters are starting to like me, what should i do?

Brief was walking to school, until, the see-through drove up next to him.

Stocking: hey, brief!

Brief: stocking? panty? what are you two doing here?

Stocking: i saw you walking by yourself and i thought you might want a ride.

Brief(thinking): how strange....stocking never gives me a ride and panty is not saying anything about it, but that still doesn't explain why stocking kiss me yesterday.

Panty: hey, are you gonna get in?

Brief: hm? oh! sure.

Brief jumps on the see-through and they ride all the to school.

Stocking: so......brief?

Brief: what's wrong?

Stocking: see—

Panty: she's been masturbating and thinking about you!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!


Brief(thinking): aaannndddd........the shit storm begins.

In front of the school......

Brief: welp........see you in lunch.

Panty and stocking: see ya!

Brief was focusing on his math problem, but then, his eyes turn blue and through his eyes, he saw a girl was going to get hit by a paper ball behind her, but when brief snaps back into reality, he saw nothing happening, but there was the same girl he saw and a paper ball was flying towards her, brief stretch his hand super fast to catch the paper ball.

Brief(thinking): what....was that?

Girl: um.......thank you.

Brief: N-no problem

During lunch time.......brief was sitting alone on the big table.

Brief: man...what was that? could it be one of my powers finally manifesting? i better text garter and tell what happen.

After 3 minutes, he got a text back, saying "brief, it's one of your god powers, it's future vision!"

Brief: wow! future vision!? that's so cool. But, why my powers are coming out already?

Brief gets another vision, showing him panty is about to wrap her arm around him.

Panty: hey, brief!

But when panty was about to do so, brief quickly grabs her hand and everything went silence.

Brief: huh? oh, panty, stocking, what are you doing here?

Stocking: wow, brief, how did you know that panty was about to grab you?

Brief: do you remember those times where she keeps doing that to me?

Stocking: oh.........i remember, hehehe.

Panty: damn, your fast, brief, how about—

Brief: i know what your going say and no.

Just then, footsteps are walking towards them.

Scanty: wow, he read you like a book and flush you down.

Kneesocks: indeed, it would seen that he's grown tired of you, angels.

Panty: fuck off!! we don't need your rule explaining shit!!

Brief: panty.....calm down, what do you two want?

Scanty: oh~ i see you want to talk~ alright, we saw your "body" last time and we're offering you to come and join us~

Stocking: hey, fuck off, red fuckers!!!!! he belongs to us (grabs brief's arm) so scram!!!!

Brief(thinking): oh man, i should get out of here, don't want them to start a fight.(outloud): girls, i love to stay and chat, but i have to go and do some homework, alright?

Brief gets out of stocking's hold and walks to the restroom.

Brief: okay, all i need to do is—what the!?!?

Brief falls to the ground and runs to the door, locking it before some boys enter.

Brief: damn it!!! what's happening to my eyes!?!?

Brief looks at the mirror and his eyes are turning red.

Brief: grrr!!!! what's going on!?!?

Brief looks at his arm and red energy started to appear and a scythe starts to come out of his skin and looks like kneesocks's scythes, but replace the gold line on it with red, he grabs the scythe.

Brief: oh man!! that hurt! but, is this a scythe? better text garter, he might know something's up.

(phone ringing)

Brief: hello?

Garterbelt: BRIEF!!!!!! your demon powers are manifesting as well!!! don't go crazy!

Brief: what do you mean? i feel fine.

Garterbelt: that is just the beginning of it, in time, your demon powers will corrupt you and you will become a demon!

Brief: really?'s going to be hard to control though, i don't know if i can pull it off.

Gaterbelt: well, you better get used to those powers of yours!!! if not, then those two bitches will start killing ya!!!!

Brief(sweat dropped): Y-yeah....i will, bye.(hangs up and thinking) damn, if i don't figure it out with my powers, i will become one of them!! wait.....what should i do with this?

Suddenly, the scythe starts to go back inside brief's skin and disappear.

Brief: wow! now, that was awesome!!

Panty: HEY!!!!! brief! where are you!?

Stocking: we know you made a excuse to escape those red-fucks!!

Brief: huh.......looks like they figure it out, welp!! i guess it's time to check on them.

Brief walks out the bathroom and saw panty and stocking walking down the hall.

Brief: hey!

Stocking: brief!!! there you are!!

Panty: we thought you ditch school!!

Brief: yeah, well i'm beat, i'm going home.

Stocking: you don't want us to drive you home?

Brief: nah, it's okay(pats stocking's head) i can walk by myself, i'll see you next time, okay? bye!

Panty and stocking watch as brief walks down the sidewalk.

Panty: he the brief we used to know?

Stocking: no, but i kinda like the new one~

To be continued..........

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