Getting a job: chapter 7

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After Brief gets settled in the hotel, he pulls a piece of paper from his pocket that says I.M.P.

Brief: hmm......the I.M.P? wonder what that is? i mean, it stands for Imp, i know what those creatures are, but this has dots on it and it's capitalize.

Fastener, who's resting on a pillow, looks at him feeling confused.

Brief: well, i guess i need to check it out myself, you coming?

Fastener: Fastener?

Brief: you never seen Hell outside right? and don't worry, what i did yesterday was a little extreme, but i can protect us, do you trust me?

Fastener: Fa....Fastener! *jumps on Brief's shoulder*

Brief: thanks bud! now, let's go!

Brief heads down to the lobby and makes it to the front door, but before he can open it....

Charlie: Brief? where are you going?

Brief: i've been thinking Charlie, since i'm gonna stay here for awhile, i think i'm gonna need some money.

Charlie: i can pay you!

Vaggie: say what now?

Brief: that's awfully nice of you, but i didn't mean it that way.

Charlie: wait what?

Vaggie: hold on, are you saying you want a job?

Brief: yeah, i'm helping you to redeem demons right? so i need to make cash somewhere else and i'm heading to the place that has it's address right here! *shows the piece of paper*

Charlie: but, everyone saw you on the news, how are you going to get there?

Brief: trust me, i can use my demon wings to fly, i mean, from what i saw, no demon has ever fly right?

Vaggie: he does have a point.

Brief: besides, i hope they'll hire me.

Charlie: good luck Brief, stay safe.

Brief: you too.*walks outside & release his wings & flys off*

Brief flys through the air and sees the city below him.

Brief: geez, i thought Hell will be like, i don't know, more fire and rocks, but this looks like Daten city, only more fucked up than usual.

Fastener: Fa.

Brief: yeah, i know, crazy right?

Suddenly, a baby carriage came out of nowhere in the sky, coming right at them.

Brief: what the?!*catches the carriage* whoa!! oh man, thought i was gonna miss it.

The baby inside it was crying it's eyes out and Brief begins to panic.

Brief: what do i do?! what do i do?! what do i do?! *gasp* that's it!!

Brief begins to hum a lullaby and the baby begins to drift off to sleep.

Brief: heh, you know, i thought demon babies were supposed to be scary, but they're kind of cute.

Fastener: Fa.

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