Chapter Nine ☆

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Adrien's Pov

We were all enjoying ourselves at the beach , you know building sandcastles like little kids would normally do , playing in the water and having lots of ice cream and other stuff. Luka isn't that bad to be honest , I just never liked him.

I sat on a towel on the sand , watching the rest of them. I didn't feel like joining them , "fuck this..."I said to myself , Nino and Alya look happy together. They don't fight or have any problems.

Luka and Alison look happy and they don't have fights or have any problems either. So why is it just us? Why can't we be happy? Why am I always fucking things up? Maybe I should break up with Marinette.

She'll be better off without me. "You ok kitty?"My girlfriend said walking over to me and sitting beside me on the sand. I nodded , not wanting to say anything. "Comon Adrien , your usually not this quiet , something is wrong. Tell me"she said.

"Is it Luka?"she asked me , "no..."I said , "did I do something wrong to hurt you?"she said again. "No..."I replied quietly , "Will I leave you alone? If you want some time alone , you can go home"she said and I nodded.

I held her hand , and squeezed it. "It's just that...I don't think I'm the right guy for you. I mean , I'm always breaking your heart , I'm always putting you in uncomfortable situations , youd be better off without me"I said not making eye contact with her.

"What are you saying?"she said , "What I'm trying to say is...maybe we should....break..up with me."I replied slowly looking up at her. "You want to break up with me?!"she said , with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"I'm just suggesting you should , I mean , I don't deserve you. You deserve someone better , who will treat you like a queen. Dont get me wrong , I still love you. I still want to be with you , but I can't keep hurting you like this"I said holding both of her hands.

"But I don't want someone else , I only want you Adrien"she said , "but ok , if you want to break up- No no , I was just saying , I still want to be with you"I said kneeling Infront of her.

"Do you still want to be my girlfriend? I totally understand if you don't want to"I said , I just hope I didn't fuck things up. "Yes. I love you Adrien"she said wiping her tears away , "I love you too princess"I said.

The rest of them came up and joined us , "Hey guys"I said to them , "Why didn't you join us? Did something happen?"Alya asked me with a bit of concern. "No , everything's fine"I replied , hoping she wouldn't think that we got into another fight.

"It's so damn hot , that water or ice cream didn't help at all"Luka said , it's true. It's so hot out here , I think I'd melt. Marinette rested her head on my shoulders , "You ok baby?"I asked her. She didn't look so good , she nodded "I'm fine.."she looked so sad.

Maybe I said something wrong OR did something wrong. "Do you wanna go home?"I asked her , "I said I'm fine"she said , she sounded angry at me , but I couldn't blame her after all , it's my fault shes like this.

I just left her , I didn't say anything else after that. "So Luka , how's the band going?"Nino asked him , "It's good so far , were going to America for the next five , six months"he said. "How's your gig going Nino?"he asked my best friend.

"The same , well be performing 4 songs over the next few weeks , so we're getting ready" "We should do a collaboration some time"Luka said and Nino agreed. They'd be pretty good together , they've both got some killer beats and songs.

I saw some girl walking in our direction , she had brown blonde , she was wearing a yellow bikini and she was wearing sunglasses , so I couldn't see what she looked like. As she was getting closer , she was getting an awful lot familiar. "Hey guys! It's been so long"she said smiling , especially at me.

My eyes widened as I realised who I was.


Oooh , who do you think it is?

Enjoy this chapter , and your weekend. Have a lovely day/night. Bye lovelies ❤️

Word Count: 755 words

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