Chapter Thirteen ☆

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3 days later

Adrien answered the door to find Chloe standing there clutching her stomach. He was confused at first , but frowned the minute she sat on his couch. "The fuck do you want Chloe?! You said you'll leave me alone , and tour showing up at my front door?" He yelled at her.

She laughed "Why are you so upset daddy? Did that slut make you angry?" She asked. "Speak for yourself Chloe, she left me because of you. Why did you send that picture knowing she'll it?! Everyone fucking saw it and it looks like I'm the bad guy" he digged his fingers in his hair in frustration.

She furrowed her eyebrows and smirked. "Like...leave me the fuck alone , I dont want you-" "I'm pregnant with your child Adrien" she said cutting him off. "Your-what?" He asked again maybe he didn't hear her right.

"You heard me Adrien , I'm carrying your child"she got up walking over to him and wrapping her arms around his neck. "W-well...I dont want anything to do-" "If you leave me Adrien, I will ruin her life. Is..that what you want? And if you don't you have to be with me" she blackmailed him.

He pushed her off. "No! I'm not going to be with a slut like you" he said , she raised her eyebrow before picking up her phone. "What's- what are you doing?"he asked her as she faced the back of her phone calling an unknown number. "I know people Adrien , and if you dont want to abide by my rules then I won't hesitate to destroy her life. I know you still love her Adrien, but were meant for eachother!".

"OK! Don't please.." he sighed. "What do you want me to do?"he asked her looking down. "I want you to marry me , next month. Don't worry my daddy will arrange everything for us"she squealed in excitement before throwing her arms around his neck again and kissing him.

He scrunched his face up before accepting the fact that nothing will ever be the same again. Just at that moment Nino walked in to check how he was doing to find Adrien and Chloe making out. "O-oh I'm sorry , am I disturbing you? I'll go now-" Adrien pulled him inside before he could leave.

"Wait! It's not what you think" Adrien said sitting him down. "C-chloe got pregnant a-and now I have to take care of the baby with her so...Im marrying her next month"he said while Nino just sat there and looking at him like he was some pysco.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! I know you and Marinette broke up three days ago but there's no need in going after Chloe now. Marinette told me to come over and say she forgives you and wants to meet up tonight , but after what I just heard and saw she definitely wont be coming anymore" Nino said standing up and walking towards the door when Adrien stopped him.

Adrien begged him not to tell Marinette but Nino wasn't going to betray her. "I'm sorry Man , she has to know" Nino walked out the door and got into the car with Alya. Adrien gulped now knowing he's fucked everything up. Now Marinette will never want to see him , not that Chloe is carrying his child.

But what he doesn't know his that Chloe is actually making the whole thing up. So the minute they get married she will tell him the truth and he can't do anything about it. Like he can't divorce her because he knows what's going to happen.

With Marinette.

"Marinette I have tell you something , and it about Adrien and Chloe is involved" Nino said sitting down beside Marinette who was wiping her tears away. "Let me guess he hates me now" she said blowing her nose with a tissue.

He couldn't. He couldn't tell her what he did. He couldn't tell her that Chloe was pregnant. He just couldn't. So he lied

"I-i he doesn't hate you , he'd actually love to meet up tonight" he said laughing nervously. "Oh that's great, and about Chloe?"she asked him. "I-its nothing forget about it".

Marinette beamed when she heard the news. It was only a matter of time when she finds out the truth.

Ok guys there you go , I'm having writers block and i hate it. I'm completely traumatized after what I just saw and if you dont know check out what I just posted 😭

Word count: 747 words

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