Chapter Twenty - Four ☆

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Adrien's Pov.

"Was I... Do you think, I was a bit harsh on him?" Marinette asked as Alya spoon fed her a yoghurt bowl. "No, he deserved it for what he did to you. Made you feel like shit, you lost your baby because of him. You don't need to be sorry," Alya said in digust of Adriens behaviour.

Marinette sighs. "Should I call him back? Half of it wasn't really his fault" Marinette swallowed the content in her mouth. "I was being stupid. I was angry, and upset that I lost my baby. It wasn't just me who lost it, Adrien lost the baby too. I just had enough of everything, and Chloe that I took it out on him" Marinette sniffed.

"Will you call him back?" She questioned.

No. He needs to think. Leave him be for a while, forget about him. You need space, you can't just let him back into your life after what happened." Nino said.

Alya nodded. "He's right. When your ready, okay? Just... For now, you need rest." Marinette layed her head agaisnt the pillow, letting out a long, breath that she didn't even know she had in.


I stepped away from the door, after hearing that... I don't think Marinette would want me back. I took her baby away from her, the only thing that was keeping our relationship alive. The only thing that was stopping her from leaving me and moving on.

I fucked up. I really did.

And I regret it. Every single bit.

I walked out through the hospital doors, and looked up to the room window to see Alya staring down at me. Disappointed. She shook her head and closed the curtains. I sighed, and started walking towads my car. Feeling broken inside, I have no one with me tonight. Not a single person, to comfort me about the child I lost tonight.

I knocked on doors to my childhood home.

I haven't been here for about 4 years, after running away.

I was about to walk away when someone opened the door, and was greeted by Nathalie. She's changed a lot.

"A-Adrien?! Oh my God, Are you okay? It's been four years, what are you doing here?" She was shocked to see me. I don't blame her, after coming here uninvited and unexpectedly.

"Uhm, is Fathere here?" I asked nervously, taking a little peek inside to see that they've changed it up a bit.

"Son?" I looked up to see my Father standing on the steps.

He looked different. A good different.

He looked happy. A happiness that I haven't seen after Mother died.

"Father! I just came to-" I was cut off when he raised his hand in the air.

"Why are you here? After four years, is when you decide to come back?" His lifted four fingers. "Four years!" He looked at me the same way Nino and Alya did back at the hospital. Disappointed.

"I know Father, and I'm sorry. I just feel like I've let everyone down. I feel like a huge-"

"Disappointment? A Failure?" My father said finishing my sentence after cutting me off. I looked into his eyes, hoping to find a hint of sadness, to see if he was happy to see his son.

But he was right. I am a disappointment, and I am a failure.

I nodded, bowing my head. "Yes..."

"Hm. So what is it that you came here for? Reassurance? A shelter for you to go into hiding, after what has happened? For me to forgive you after running away and leaving me in the dark?" He called me out on everything he could think of.

"Father, I just lost my child. Please, I just need somewhere to heal for the time being." I begged him, like my life depended on it. "Marinette almost died because of me, Father. My friends left me, her parents think nothing of me. I've let down all the Important people in my life including you. Father, I'm sorry." I put my hands together begging him, but I could tell he wanted nothing to do with me.

"Adrien, you are a disgrace to this family. How dare you come knocking on my front door, and beg me to take you in as if I still care about you to call you my son. You never do anything right. It's your fault that you lost your child, that you lost the women of your dreams. That your friends, and her parents hate you, and I do too. I know how they feel. It's your own damn fault that your Mother died, that night. And that's what you get for taking things for granted, and for being selfish." I could feel the hot tears streaming down my face, but I could see no remorse in his eyes for what he said to me.

I deserve to get called out like that.

I got up and headed for the door. "I'm sorry Father. I hope you find a place in your heart t-to forgive me. I'm sorry about Mother, I'm sorry I left you, I'm sorry I couldn't be son you wanted me to become. I'm sorry..." I said gloomy and walked outside, hearing the big doors shut behind me I don't know why some part of me thought that I'd hear call for me and ask me to stay.

It started to rain. A great weather to reflect on what happened today.

I felt lost without them.

I dug deep into the pockets of my jeans, and found some cash. Enough to get a whole cart of liquor. I put any drink that caught my eye into the cart not caring about the people looking concerned regarding my shopping cart of alcoholic drinks. I loaded the back of my car with the 6 bags of drinks that I had bought, carrying one with me into the car.

I only drank half the bottle, and I was starting to get dizzy and foggy.

I just want to die.

Marinette will be better off without me. She should've just left me when she wanted to, but instead she chose to stay with me because she loved me. I loved her so much, but I never proved it to her.

I feel worthless.

She's be better off with another man, who will love, care and treat her like a Queen. I treated her like shit, and she treated me like a king. I was the knight in shining armour in her eyes, in her world I was guy who was supposed to give her a happy ending.

I took another swig of the drink in my hand, swerving to the right avoiding the third car I nearly crashed into.

I can't stop thinking about her.

She was the bright light in my life. She was the one I went to when I ran away from home. She took me in, showed me love, kindness and I fell in love with her because of that.

I parked the car somewhere random, and I started to aggressively hit the steering wheel. Wishing I had kept my promise I made to her when we were teenagers.

Wishing I never broke her heart.

And wishing it was me who got hurt instead of her.

I had fucked up everything good in my life.

Now it's my turn to suffer.

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The donut 🍩 goes to the person who finds any mistakes. Two donuts 🍩 to the person who spots them first 🥇 and gets a badge 😀


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