Rest In Peace... Not Yet

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Lucian's P

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Lucian's P.O.V.

I stare a Rose, laying seemingly peaceful on our bed. But after what she's gone through I know that she's probably trapped within a nightmare.

She just sleeps, ever since we got back from the dreaded hellhole the vampires call a territory. We took her back home as fast as we possibly could. Luckily we hadn't lost too many soldiers on the battle field, and we would address their families but at this time our mate came first.

I didn't want to know what they had done to her, she was covered in so much blood. Some was fresh most of it was dried and caked onto her, so I can't imagine what they must of done and how long they must have done it.

Especially below.

She lay limp in my arms, the second she made contact with me, it's like all my worries and fears washed away and they were replaced but an entirely new set of fears. And I just knew that it wasn't over just yet.

Me and my brothers were so worried, Damien hasn't even gotten near her yet, he just watches from a distance. I know he doesn't forgive himself for what happened before she was taken.

I think he blames himself for the whole incident, if she hadn't gotten mad she would still be inside with us, where we could have protected her.

When we got back healers and doctors were waiting for us, they practically had to fight with us to get her away. I know they just want to help, but she is our mate, and we've been away from her for far to long already.

The healers ran a bunch of tests on her, we were so stressed about what had happened to her. When we first saw her, we barely recognized she was covered in so much blood.

It was a few hours before we knew the full story of what had happened.

The news shook me to my core, Damien immediately stormed out and we didn't see him for hours after we got he news.

Our child was gone.

There are still several holes in the wall from when the doctor told us, we should have made those leeches suffer more.

We spent a few days in the hospital, reminding me of the first time we saw her.

A small faint smile comes to face, the moment I herd Damien yelling that he had found her.

We vowed to protect her, and that went all to shit. I'm not sure about my brothers but I couldn't stand to see her in that hospital bed.

She looked so small, and fragile, like any moment could break her. So after a few days we moved her back to our house, but she's barely here. She wakes up but it's like she not even there, and most of the time she just sleeps. It's almost like she's hollow like the wheels turning but the hamsters dead...

"I wonder what she dreams about?" Xavier questions out loud. We were all currently watching her sleep, and I know that sounds creepy but it's the only thing that puts our mind at ease is knowing that she's safe and here with us.

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