Not Now, But Soon

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The next two and a half weeks pass somewhat painfully, but Rylie is there every step of the way. Along with the physical damage Gabe left, there was a lot of emotional and mental damage, too. For both of us.

The first week following the attack, I'd had nightmares every night. Vivid nightmares of Gabe finding me, holding me down, hurting me. I'd wake with my skin burning, feeling as though he'd actually been there. Feeling as though his hands had really been gripping me, pulling at my clothes again. Most of the time, I'd wake up screaming and thrashing around in bed, unable to comprehend that it was just a dream. That I was safe. Rylie would then take me in her arms, whispering words of comfort until I was able to fall back into a light, restless sleep.

Eventually, the nightmares slowed, but wouldn't completely stop for a while. While awake, I jumped at every single sound. I hadn't wanted to leave Rylie's side. She and I both took the week off, but she eventually had to go back to work. My mom came to stay after that, which I was so thankful for. She had left earlier this week, and I'd gone back to work.

My boss had been more understanding than I'd expected, which was surprising but I wasn't going to complain. He'd even given me less tables to deal with each shift which made it easy on my wrist.

My wrist had broken in almost the same spot as last time, but it hadn't been because of the first break, my doctors assured me. I'd just landed on it wrong, again. Thanks to Gabe, again.

Today was Wednesday, and Rylie and I both took the day off to run some errands before leaving for Topsail at the end of next week. We were also going to see her mom and Harper for the last time before the trip since Rylie would have no time to go next week.

I feel Rylie shift before her arm slides around my waist. "Goodmorning. How did you sleep?" She asks before kissing my cheek.

"Good, actually. No nightmares that I remember."

"Aspen, that is so good!"

"Yeah," I smile. "Re-living that night over and over wasn't on my list of favorite things." I laugh lightly. Luckily, joking and laughing about it had become my coping mechanism. Which was better than crying, though I still did a bit of that.

"Did you want to go to my mom's before or after your appointment?"

"Let's go after. I have a quick errand to run before my Dr. appointment, is that okay? It's pretty close to the hospital."

"That's fine. I have to pick up a few things near there too, so we can just meet back up at the hospital. I can come with you though, if you'd like." Rylie's voice is gentle and sweet, and I quickly kiss her.

"Thank you for offering. This is something I need to do on my own, though."

"I'm so proud of you, Aspen."

"Thank you, Ry. Let's get ready before you make me cry." I laugh before pulling her out of bed.


Rylie parks at the hospital and kisses me before we start towards our separate errands. I can feel the shape of the shoebox in my backpack, jutting out at a weird angle, and head towards the bank.

Sneaking the shoebox full of my tips into my backpack without notice had almost failed, but luckily Rylie hadn't been paying attention. Today was the day I was getting the ring.

Once I deposit all of the cash into my account, I head to the ring shop. I knew Rylie didn't want anything overly expensive or fancy, but I was determined to find one she'd love, and one that wasn't just cheap. She didn't deserve cheap.

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