Chapter III

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-3rd POV-
"Now to your experiment, you are given a list to write down the creature commonly found in the element of your partner. If your partner is the same element as you, then one of you will find the rare creatures found in your element." Some students groaned and those who are paired someone not their element, seemed to be happy but America is not sure with Russia's emotions. He always thought he is some hot head but the emotion he expressed concerned him.

After school ran towards Russia who seemed to be under a shade of a tree that changes its color of leaves to whoever is underneath it. Russia looked at the country who seemed to be out of breath. "I thought you are good at sports." America replied, "No, my dad says that Earth elements don't do sports while Water elements do." Russia laughed, "That's stupid and the funniest thing I have ever heard." His deep laugh seemed to make the American's heart flutter. Now he is super confused.

After laughing he looked back at America, "Now, why are you really here?" America rubbed the back of his neck, "I let you borrow my pencil and you have forgotten to give it back. Oh and the project, I want to do it earlier to give yourself a break." Russia crossed his arms, "And why would I give you your pencil back? You seem to create your pencils, I don't really think it would be use to you." America gulped and moved back words as he moved forward. He had backed up the wall as Russia put his hand above his head, leaning to him.

'Jesus, he is tall.' America said to himself. "What's wrong? Your silent all of the sudden. I just asked you a question." America felt fear crawling up his back and stuttered, "M-maybe you can k-keep my pencil." Russia smiled, "Your fun to mess with." Russia gave his pencil back and America grabbed it before looking at Russia with anger. "Now I have a question to ask you." America tilted his head in confusion. "Did you see everything?" America hesitated but then nodded. "Why didn't you tell them about the collar malfunctioning? It seemed that the teachers didn't check the collar when the pulled us apart."

America looked away, "I don't know. I'm not sure what came to me when I didn't tell them." Russia chuckled, "You like me." America blushed and hit him, "I do not like a late, stupid, and hot head bastard!" Russia laughed. Now America hates it when he laughed, it always made his heart flutter for no reason. Maybe he was right about having a crush on him. Russia wiped tears off from laughing too hard. "Oh boy, you sure are funny, Earth boy." "This earth boy has a name." Russia thinked, "Was it A?"

America shouted at him, "It's America!" Russia smiled, "Right and about the project that you said. We can do it now." America was going to respond but realized that it was getting late. "It's getting late. What about tomorrow?" Russia shrugged, "Well I say that's a yes and see you tomorrow." Russia watched as America walked away. He realized that America seemed to be calm and funny around him. Russia questioned that as he walked back home.

Arriving home, Russia snickered as his younger sibling started playing dress up with his dad's close friend/ bodyguard. "Seems like you two are enjoying yourselves." Belarus smiled, "Yup, Kazy said that he needed to look pretty." Russia laughed, "Pretty? He does sure look very pretty." Kazakhstan angrily said, "I'm not pretty!" Russia stepped away as Bel started to put stickers on him. He sat down to see Ukraine reading a cook book. He heard that he is planning to move out just because of how much it reminded of the past.

This made their sibling relationship distant. Heading to his room, he received a message from an unknown number


Hey this is America,
The earth boy

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