Chapter V

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-Continuation of 3rd POV-
Russia and America ran quickly as the blob hopped towards them. "Can't you fly!?" Russia quickly responded, "They catch us quicker in the air than on land!" The slid towards a rock and heard it spraying lava as it searched for them. America whispered to him, "Rus, what the hell is that thing!?" Russia didn't bother to tell America about his nickname. Instead he replied, "That's called a ghoo." "A what?" Russia grabbed his experiment paper and wrote down what he said.

"A ghoo? Why with H?" Russia replied, "If we call them the ones without a H, then we would get mixed up with Water elements." Why didn't America think about but it was the first time he would such thing. The ghoo kept hopping around as if never giving up for the two teenagers. "Looks like we are stuck here for awhile." America was worried about staying with Fire hot head but then it was much better than staying at him with his father. The rock wasn't too big nor too small. It was enough that if one sat behind it, no one can see them.

Russia was certainly tall so he slightly laid down and made sure that his feet wouldn't be seen. America had to lay down on his chest to avoid being seen. Russia didn't think about it but America... he was having a gay panic. Russia didn't notice as he waited for the ghoo to stop searching for them and look for someone else. "When will it stop searching for us?" Russia looked back at the American who was blushing, "I don't know, until Weimar gets here. So most likely for the whole night." Russia noticed the American blushing but he didn't mind.

It was a pretty gay move that they did but at least it can keep them hidden for awhile. America's thoughts swarmed his head. 'Did Russia notice my red face? Why wasn't he complaining about this!? What's wrong with me? I'm having a crush with this hot head!' America's eyes was staring to close and the Russia pulled him closer. America looked up at him. "My shoulder will be your pillow. We might be here all night." America snuggled closer which made the Russia jolt and soon he fell asleep. Russia sighed.

He noticed that it slowly started to move away but only to move slightly closer to them. Russia took deep breaths but looked down to see the American sleeping peacefully. It felt weird for Russia that he was glad he was staying with him than the family that he said about. He heard shouts which made the ghoo move away. Russia's movements awoken the American and they came to check it out. Weimar scared the ghoo away and two walked towards them. "Thank goodness your still alive. I was worried that the ghoo ate you two. At least your absences made me check back"

America yawned as Russia held it back. "Now since both of you look tired, why don't you head back? You are done right?" America was going to reply but noticed that his paper is filled in. It was complete. He didn't remember unless it was Russia. Weimar guided them out of the zoo and both started to walk home. America said to Russia, "I wanna say thank you." Russia mumbled a "Your welcome" as they walked. He watched as the American slowly crawled back but stopped right on his tracks. Russia questioned him, "What's the matter?"

America replied, "Can I stay at yours? It's just for the night." Russia agreed and he took him home. Luckily for him that everyone was asleep. America laid at Russia's bed while Russia slept at couch in his room. America turned red...a lot. Every time he closed his eyes, all he wanted was the warmth of someone. He looked at Russia who was sleeping peacefully. Although the sofa was small, it is somehow comfortable to the Russian. America hesitated at first but walked towards the Russian and laid down on the Russia.

Russia was awake the entire time, pretending to see what the American will do. As he fell asleep, he grew small feelings for the American. It still weirded him out but listening to what America experienced with his family, he felt bad for him. Was it worth being cold to him? Or would it make worse mentally and physically. Those questions slowly made him slumber.

Borders (A rewritten RusAme Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant