I can't.

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Niall's POV

I was rather shocked when i saw Mr.Styles at my front door, smirking.

"Um not being rude but may i know why you're here and how'd even know my address at the first place"I asked annoyed at him as he chuckled eyes falling on the hickey he left and darkening...

"Good Afternoon to you too,baby blue" He said mockingly stepping in my personal space and straightaway ignoring all the questions i asked..

"Um- Mr.Styles please uhm we can arrange this for some other time" I said stepping back and thankfully he stopped from where he was heading towards me..

"Whaddya want Mr.Styles?" I asked yet again getting a stupid smirk in return,does this guy ever smile? -_-

"I have a proposition for you,Baby boy" He said straightening his back..

"What sorta Proposition" i asked suspiciously

"You work for me" he said trying to read my face..

"What kinda work?" I inquired as his smirk got wider..

"Don't act so Naive,it doesn't suit you" He said looking around and fixing his tie.

"I- what! I know what you mean!!" I exclaimed out of realisation..

"I can't" I stated looking away from his prying eyes..

"Why? Can't you baby boy" he asked walking closer to me yet again..

"I- I have a personal life and I'd like to keep it that way, I can't work for you 24/7" I said earning a breathy chuckle in return..

"Who said anything about 24/7 blue,You can choose anytime according to your convenience and i pay huge bucks in return ya know and besides that personal life joke was quite funny." he said looking down at me too close for my liking

"I w-will th- think about it,you may just leave for now" i said stuttering and blushing at our close proximity.

"Fine princess" he said smirking and stepping away from me.

He turned around walking towards the front door as i heavily sighed and that's when he turned around.His green eyes had a hint of agression hidden in them as he clenched he jaw..

"Make sure you don't whore around,after you decide on working for me" He said and walked away without sparing me a glance.But something fell off of his coat pockets, seemingly a peace of paper which I payed no mind to.

As Thousands of things are running through me head right now.If I were accept Mr.Styles' proposition I'll have to sacrifice a huge amount of time i might get to spend with Fred and if i don't i may lose a relatively huge amount of cash which can be helpful for Fred's future. I just dunno!!

With all the shit in me head I walked into Fred's room to find him searching for me in his sleep silently whimpering.

I sat beside him and layed down"shh I'm here bubby" i said and he sighed cuddling into me.

I took out my phone and found myself scrolling through Instagram..

I refreshed my feed to find a picture uploaded by Liam with his "girlfriend" seated in his lap pressing a kiss to his cheek. I glared at the picture. A little too long for my liking.

I don't what that bitch has that I don't..Why? Why can Li use me,care for me but never love me.it isn't fucking fair!

I looked at the time and decided I should wake Fred up..

"Wake up love bug!!" I said and he groaned a little "5 moe mins ma" and fell back into a deep slumber..

"C'mon! Freddie!! Get up" i exclaimed tickling him..

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