You think I didn't already know?

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Niall was scared to say the least, scared for all the consequences he'd have to face in the near future.

Of course he shouldn't have fucking lied about everything. But he was desperate at the time, In dire need of a shelter to be provided to his very own son.

He didn't know what was next to come. Maybe being thrown out of this place or facing a very disappointed Mr.Styles.

He wasn't ready for the worst case scenario yet tho which was going through both...

So when a sudden knock interrupted him Niall jumped to open it afraid of disappointing his employer more.

The irishman was tongue tied looking up at Harry only to find him looking into his eyes intensely.

"I- where is Fred?" Was the first thing that left his mouth as he stepped away from the young man intent to know everything from him.

"Asleep in my room." Harry mumbled studying Niall's face as he flinched at Harry getting closer to him.

"Oh I-" Niall stuttered turning around and fixing his sheets and hair as he heard the door click shut making his heart race harder.

"Calm down." Harry whispered pulling Niall closer to himself as the smaller brunette shivered.

He settled the irish man on his lap as they sat on the bed making Niall's still watery eyes clench shut letting the tears fall on their own.

"You think I didn't already know?" Harry asked after a while of holding the blonde close.

"Yes." Niall nodded maintaing a formal distance from Mr.Styles even though the irishman was technically on his lap facing the man himself.

"Well I very well did. But I didn't want you to feel forced to answer me. I won't pry in your personal matters either way." Harry said staring down at Niall's lips as he bit his bottom lip to stop it from quivering.

"D-Did you put pillows on either side of Fred?I fear,He might fall if you didn't," Niall said causing Harry to break away his gaze on the irishman's lips and look up into his vibrant blue eyes.

"I did,yeah." He said caressing Niall's cheeks as the shorter brunette shivered yet again.

Harry didn't know what motivated him to do so but he didn't regret it one bit as he pulled the irishman in for a rather searing kiss.

Niall gasped in surprise as Harry pulled him closer all of a sudden making him moan into the kiss as they pulled away.

"I'm liking this way more than I should." He mumbled as Harry looked away from his piercing gaze.

"Yeah uh me too." He said as Niall looked down pulling away from his hold as he rubbed his eyes.

"How'd you know I birthed Freddie?" He asked as Harry sighed.

"I did my homework and well you proved me right all the time. You think I wasn't testing you everytime I insisted on not using protection?" He said as a  matter of fact making Niall raise his brows in realisation.

"I didn't let you know this already  because I believed you wouldn't accept me if that was the case." Niall whispered playing with his fingers as Harry smiled softly.

"I Would've accepted you either way to be honest."He said in a hushed tone,kissing the smaller brunette's neck.

"W-Why is t-that?" Niall asked as a soft blush coated his cheeks.

"Because I'm aware of my needs." He answered as his hold on the irishman tightened.

"Let go of me, F-Fred is alone I'll have to bring him back here." Niall said as he flushed down to his neck smiling rather shyly.

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