~ Chapter 2 ~

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That was the only thing that could describe this situation, Kageyama sweatdropped, thinking of ways to start a conversation until the next class started.

"Do you like volleyball?" [WAIT WHY DID I ASK THAT?!]

Kusuo didn't say anything and just shrugged, he didn't know what to answer. Is that your way to start a conversation?

"Sorry, that was a random question.." Kageyama said, as Kusuo nodded as a sign of reassurance, as Kageyama let out a sigh of relief, "Wanna be friends..?" Asked Kageyama as he patiently waited for an answer. It's alright to make a few right? If I don't I would just be called a loner. Which means unwanted attention.

Kusuo nodded as a response as Kageyama cheered a bit inside his head.

They both then started talking to each other, as soon the bell then rang soon after they finished their lunch, Both of them decided to walk together to the next class which was P.E. Which made Kusuo sweatdrop internally.

Kageyama didn't exactly notice as he remembered that today's exercise practice was to make students do simple volleyball practice. Whether they specialize in volleyball or not. Everyone participates unless they are either sick or absent.

They were now at the Karasuno's volleyball court, Along with other students that were talking to each of their friends, "All right, All right, Quiet down everyone!" The P.E. teacher had finally arrived. It caught everyone's attention which made them stop talking, "Today's practice will be helped by a first year that is in the Volleyball team! Why? Because today you will be doing basic Volleyball practice! Everyone gets to participate GOT THAT?!" The crowd of students sweatdropped and thinking it was sort of unfair but had to do it anyways.

"Alrighr! Last but not least- Saiki Kusuo!" Called out the Teacher, All I need to do is to control my strength and speed, That's all. Kusuo went to the court, he was supposed to do a spike, which half of the class failed to do.

[It's that handsome new student!]

[He really is pretty..]

[I wonder if he's good!]

Kageyama, who was put to set for the student's spike was also curious about his friend.

He set the ball to Kusuo's Direction as Kusuo jumped up, And hit the ball with a little bit of force.

That should-



"""WEHHHHH?!?! SUGOIII!!!""""

The ball popped, which made it inflate fast. Kusuo wanted to just destroy the earth then and there, but he knows he wouldn't do that.

What will I do now?

Kusuo was now on his bed, thinking of ways to avoid attention on school tomorrow, he wanted to avoid them even Kageyama, who was the most amazed that time.

But how? I can't just erase their memories..

After a while Kusuo just decided to fall asleep and let God do it for him, even though it could get even more problematic.

Kusuo was walking around the hallways, everytime someone approached him he just stared at them until they left, Kusuo smirked internally at his victories.

It was early in the morning meaning there weren't so many of them there, So Kusuo wanted to take this chance to go to a bench, Unfortunately the bench where he ate his lunch before was occupied so he went to the bench a little closer to the Volleyball Court.

He sat down and took out a book from his bag. While reading, he didn't notice Kageyama infront of him, "Saiki?" Asked Kageyama to the reading Psychic who he got his attention. "oh. Hi." Replied Kusuo, Kageyama took this chance to ask Kusuo to watch them play Volleyball to see if he gets interested.

"Saiki-- Would you like to watch me and the volleyball team play?" I really don't. "I'll give you coffee jelly?" Kageyama asked, Kusuo was silent for about five seconds until he then answered.

"Of course."

You could already hear the volleyballs hitting the floor, with some shoes squeaking along, Kusuo was still debating whether he made a good choice or not. No. Maybe it was a good choice. After all, free coffee jelly.

* * * * * * * *

𝑲𝒖𝒔𝒖𝒐 𝑺𝒂𝒊𝒌𝒊 ❦ 𝒙 𝑯𝒂𝒊𝒌𝒚𝒖𝒖!! 【】ᴄʀᴏѕѕover Where stories live. Discover now