Chapter 8!

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(I felt guilty for not uploading any proper chapters in my books, besides the Saiki K x TPN one, here's another chapter, next I'll upload a chapter on WTDSIK X Saiki K book after this--)


The prelims were about to start soon, since Kusuo was only a new member, in most games he would be benched, it's true he was good, really really good, but that was the reason why he would be benched. (Alongside the fact that he might inflate another ball or make it explode.)

The Karasuno team had been making strategies and practicing hard, Kusuo had to just go along with it, he didn't have a choice after all.

Good grief, trying to control my strength is tiring. And I still make the balls explode, huh.

Kusuo had a volleyball in his hands, the last one he would throw before practice would end.

He had already made 10 balls either explode or inflate, and some succesful one's that could still injure someone's arms, but not too much.

"Don't worry Saiki, you're getting a little better! At not destroying the ball.." said Sugawara scratching the back of his head, mumbling the last words.

Wow, how encouraging words.

"You should try doing a bit more.. Just again, try not to destroy the ball.. Haha.." said Sugawara putting his hands down.

No thanks, I'm tired of trying to 'control' my stupid strength.

He did the last one and succesfully managed to not make it explode or inflate, he let out a sigh of relief after.

Sugawara smiled and smacked the back of Kusuo, "That's good!" Said Sugawara, chuckling after.

You didn't have to slap my back.

Kusuo sighed for the 100th time of the day, going to a bench and drinking water, wiping the fake sweat off his forehead.


"What did you just call me?"

Yamaguchi snickered at the nickname Hinata gave for his tall friend, then gazed at Kusuo and looked away, with pink cheeks.

Both Hinata and Tsukishima continued their arguing.

What a troublesome group.

Kusuo glanced at them, the same time Yamaguchi had stared back again, they locked eyes for a moment then Yamaguchi looked away tot he two arguing teammates.

Well that was awkward.

Kusuo looked back at his hand and fiddled with his ring.

I'm hungry.

Kusuo stood up and sighed for the 101th time, he then told their coach he would leave early with using the excuse of his mother wanting him to come home more early.


Kusuo was walking around the streets and soon enough found a lost kid that reminded him slightly of Yuuta, just without the cyborg-cyder man part and that it was a female.

"Mom? Mommy? Where are you!!" The kid cried as she held on to her stuffed animal.

She cried and cried as Kusuo finally decided to approach her.

Why do I get into situations like this?

"Calm down." The little girl sniffed and looked for the source on the voice which was behind her, "M--mommy?" She sniffled, "No, I am not your mom but I'll help you find her." The girl wiped her tears, "R-really?!" Kusuo nodded as he held out a towel, the little girl took it slowly and sneezed on it.

"D--do you know where she is?" She asked, after a moment, Kusuo took off his ring and tried looking for her mother's thoughts if she were within a 200-mile radius.

Found her.

Soon he put it back on, "I know where she is." He said, though he might've sounded like a kidnapper right now, the kid was still a kid and followed him after being told, he held her small hand as they walked to go to her mother.


"Mommy!!" She happily ran to her mom and hugged her tight, "Vivi! Where were you?!" Her mother cried, "Nevermind that, I'm glad you're okay.." she said as she then noticed Kusuo behind her daughter, "Thank you very much!" She bowed.

"It's alright." Kusuo said not an ounce of emotion in his tone.


He threw his self on his bed after he had taken a short shower and changed.

I'm tired. Very tired.

He then closed his eyes and slept soundly.

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