Chapter 10

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Another day closer to death, is what Saiki would say once he wakes up early in the morning of a school day, he started to hate school, although he never really liked it in the first place.

How would he be an average teen if he doesn't go to school?

Then again he did join the volleyball club, in hopes of not standing out too much since most the club members are very.. chaotic.

His friend didn't walk with him to school, which gave him a peaceful walk to school, he wished it would stay peaceful but he knew it would be impossible.

He also remembered he had to do volleyball practice like usual, in which he wishes to just stay home and laze around after doing homework.

Apparently the Interhigh prelims are coming up and they had to work their asses off, and he's not so passionate on volleyball like the others were, it'd be unfair if he stole all the spotlight from them. Not like he wanted to anyway.

He finally arrived to school, he immediately went to his classroom and wait as the class starts.


Classes had already ended and now came lunch, he sat on a bench outside, he didn't want to be in a crowded place such as the cafeteria.

He pulled out his lunchbox which had a perfectly decorated lunch, which he didn't expect so much, his mom put a lot more effort in it than before.

There was also coffee jelly inside for after.

While he was eating he noticed Kageyama buying milk from the vending machine, he shrugged him off either way since he obviously had alot on his mind, obviously preparing for the upcoming prelims.

He didn't exactly care about this, he was told by the coach that he wouldn't be in the starting line-up and would most likely stay on the bench if needed. He kept blabbing about how he was the trump card and that he set out some quick attacks that could be used once he was put in the game. Blah blah volleyball.

He finished eating his delicious lunch and headed on over to his dessert. Coffee jelly.

And as usual a nice and calming aura always comes out as he eats, he puts on a tiny smile while savoring the taste of the delicious coffee jelly.

Kageyama noticed it and couldn't help but stop and stare with a hint of blush on his cheeks, he then shook his head and waddled away while blushing in embarrassment.

Saiki didn't notice since he was too busy eating to care, coffee jelly truly was magnificent, along with other types of sweets of course.


School finally ended and then came volleyball practice.

They were in the changing room and reading a magazine, excluding Saiki who was just peacefully changing, and they were reading a specific sports magazine.

It showed different volleyball teams and Saiki was uninterested since he didn't want too much volleyball related stuff to hover in his mind, but he did notice Kageyama being all gloomy all of a sudden.

He ignored it and left him alone thinking it was the best choice.


Practice started and ended off like the usual, Yuui on a date with her girlfriend (which he still doesn't know who yet since he doesn't wanna pry into people's love life.)

Saiki was walking home from school, he had a show waiting to be watched and he obviously didn't wanna miss it.

Today was just like the usual, well, kind of.

Wonder how tomorrow will go.


He finished watching the show and was staring at the ceiling contemplating his life, he finished his homework and he was tired, he wanted to sleep but couldn't, he just stared at the ceiling.

His eyes were as dead as a dead fish's eye, he was thinking of training to control his strength once again and ended up to a full on vent about his powers and wanting to be average and shit.

It was useless to be so powerful in such a normal world, maybe if this were a dimension were having powers were normal, he could either be normal or would've still been a considered strong being.

"Being a psychic sucks." Is what repeated in his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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