" Chapter 4.5 "

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Kusuo was staring at his Bento, he wanted to eat but for some reason he didn't have an appetite at the same time.

Kageyama took notice of the said teen, he was worried for his cru-- friend, he was hoping if giving him coffee jelly would work.

He walked to his friend that was sitting on the bench staring at his food, "Hey Saiki." Kageyama said a tiny smile visible on his face, he held out the coffee jelly, Kusuo looked up to see Kageyama and coffee jelly.

Kageyama, marry me. Wait no, that was an exaggeration. Kusuo shook off the thought, ehem, internally, as a tiny smile was also visible on his face making Kageyama look away blushing.

Saiki took the ten coffee jellies, which was in one pack.

Nonetheless, Kusuo thanked Kageyama, Kageyama drank his milk, that even I don't know where it came from-- as he sat down next to Kusuo at a certain small distance.

"Did you get some sleep?" Kageyama asked the now eating Psychic, eating the Bento first before the coffee jelly of course, he shook his head as an answer.

"What-- why not?" Kageyama asked as he only earned a shrug from the Esper.


Kusuo walked around the hallways of Karasuno about to go out to get home. Suddenly someone stopped him, a girl with dark brown hair and black eyes.

"Wait!-- I--" She was panting making it obvious she ran to desperately get the psychic's attention.

Kusuo was just confused on what she would want from him.

"I-- er.. Thought you would like this?" She said handing out a box with a small cake inside, blushing midway in embarrassment.

Please please please-- I want to be friends-- I still haven't gotten one yet!! She thought crying internally.

Kusuo took off his germanium ring just earlier hearing her thoughts putting it back after. Is this a good idea? I already have Kageyama. He sweatdropped as he took the cake making the girl cheerful, "It took you a bit long hehe.. But no complaints!!" Didn't you just complain?

"And uhh.. Wanna be friends?!" She asked waiting patiently for an answer, a bit out of character but Kusuo agreed, after all, she had no other friends, and Kusuo only had Kageyama, which is mostly busy which makes him look like a loner most of the time.

The girl cheered internally with an excited face, "Oh right! My name is Ukimara Yuui!" She said, "You are.. Saiki Kusuo? If I can recall?" She asked.

He nodded, as the girl kept cheering now that she had a friend.


Kusuo laid down on his bed, receiving a text he went on his phone to see a text from his new friend.

That's it I made up the name 🧍‍♀️

That's it I made up the name 🧍‍♀️

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