Chapter 12 - Lonely Starbucks Lover

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"Take a picture, quick!"

"Shhh... Toby, you'll wake them up!"

"I am never going to let Connor live this down."

"I knew he had a crush on her!"

I hugged my pillow closer to me as I try to block out the annoying whispers. I haven't slept like this in so long and I wanted to enjoy it.

It was then when I notice how warm my pillow was. It was also less soft. And it's.... it's... fucking moving!

I open my eyes to see a hand hugging my waist. I jumped up, awake. What the hell?! I turn to see Blondie on the ground, rubbing his eyes. I must've woken him up. How the hell did I get down there in the first place?!

"What's going on?" Connor asked with a yawn. He was still half-asleep while I was staring at him wide-eyed. Toby and Joy were laughing at something on their phones.

"You guys are so adorable!" Joy cooed, showing me her phone. It was a picture of me and Blondie, cuddling on the floor like two teddybears in love.

Fuck, how did I get down there?!

Toby showed the picture to a sleepy Blondie. Once he saw the picture, his eyes went wide, as he tries to grab the phone it an attempt to delete the picture.

I was about to do the same when Joy held her phone close to her chest.

"No way, girl! You might break this thing if you're not careful!" She teased, immaturely sticking out her tongue.

I blew snowflakes in her face and some stuck to her tongue. I smirked in satisfaction and she complained about how cold it was and how her teeth was sensitive and shit.

"What time is it?" Toby asked.

"It's about 12pm." Joy said, looking at her watch.

"So guys, what do you wanna do today?" Blondie asked as he approached us.

"Well, it's our day off today, and I was planning to take Paige to the carnival. She hasn't been there in a while." Joy answered.

I remember the first time I went to the carnival. It was Joy's birthday back then, and her one wish was to go to the carnival. So the two of us snuck out of the orphanage and went to the carnival that comes once a year on Joy's birth month. We had a lot of fun, but once we got back, Martimore didn't let us eat anything the next morning.

"Perfect! There's this Summer Street Fair going on near the beach, how about that?" Blondie asked.

"That would be awesome! What do you think, Paige?" Joy turned to me.

"Sure, I guess." I shrugged.

"To the car!" Toby yelled, running to the door.

"Wait! You're still in your pajamas, Toby!" Joy yelled, but Toby was already out the door.

Blondie laughed. "He'll be back. Now who wants some lunch?"

Soon we were all eating macaroni and cheese while watching some cartoon that Joy loves so much.

I stared at the big bowl in front of me. I haven't even taken a second bite yet. This was so much more than what I get from the orphanage.

"What's wrong, Paige?" Blondie asked, sitting next to me. I tensed because he was so close and he seemed to notice that. He moved away a little and I sighed.

"Does it taste bad? I tried to cook it like my mom told me, but I kinda forgot what she did tell me. So I searched the internet for it, and I found this cool site, but I still burnt a few—-" he began rambling but stopped when I started laughing quietly. "Sorry, I was rambling."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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