Chapter 1 - Secrets

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I pulled up my hoodie as I walk along the sidewalk, ignoring everyone in the best possible way I could.

"Look! There's that freak girl who always wears black." I heard a girly voice whisper.

"I know! Is she trying to look bad on purpose?"

Bitches. What do they know?

Oh right, no one knows about me. If they did, they'd probably be dead.

"Who is she anyway?"

"A freak."

"Who does she think she's trying to be?"

"Ignore her, she's just a freakish wannabe."

"And a freakish weirdo."

"A bitchy and weird freakish weirdo."

"I bet she doesn't even know what 'normal' means."

And those are the words I hear everyday. They can all say what they wanna say, I don't give a fuck. They're just being bratty little bitches. Normal? Have you seen their faces?! They look scarier than the ghosts in horror Thai and Korean movies. And those are usually the scariest.

Yeah, I cuss a lot. One of the many habits of mine that I can't really stop. I kept walking along, stepping on paper hearts on the way. Yes, it's the month of February. I find it useless to celebrate this occassion. What's it for anyway? It's just making people feel insecure if they don't have a valentine and worse, all those barbie-like bitches are gonna go on bragging about how the hottest guys ever asked them to be their valentine. Then after that they all spread the word that they're in love. All that just makes me sick.

There is no such thing as love.

People who believe in love are wasting their time. Some people are idiots for believing that they can actually fall in love at first sight. Pfft.. that's just bullshit. Love isn't real. I don't get why people feel the need to be in relationships. But I do know for a fact that some people are in relationships just to brag about it. Another fun fact, a lot of people are idiots.

My thoughts were cut off as steaming hot liquid covered the right side of my face. It smelled of coffee. I looked at the Starbucks cup on the ground, anger growing inside me.

"Freak. You should just die! Just who are you trying to be?!" One of those bitches yelled at me. I turned to look at them, glaring at them in the deadliest way possible. There were five of them. three of them were snickering, the other held another cup of coffee and that last one was busy applying lipstick to her already caked face.

"Bitches! Who do YOU think you are?! I never did anything to you, and you fucking throw coffee at me?! What the fuck is your problem?!" I yelled, making them take a step back, looks of fear in their caked faces. This is the first time I ever said something to them. Somehow, everyday I see them and hear them laughing at me. I always ignored them, they never did anything to me.

"Freak." was all the girl-who threw coffee at me-said.

I looked around, making sure I was alone, then sat down on the sidewalk, covering my face with my hands. I feel my eyes going red from anger. I need to calm down before I get the urge to kill someone. I rubbed my eyes, breathed slowly, trying to calm down. I tried wiping the coffee away, but it's just making me angrier.

"I need another story.. Something to get off my chest. My life gets kinda boring.. Need something that I can confess..."

I heard someone singing along to a guitar. For some weird reason, it was calming me down.

"'Til all my sleeves are stained red... From all the truth that I've said. Come by it honestly I swear.. Thought you saw me wink, no I've been on the brink.. "

Whose voice was that?

"Tell me what you want to hear.. Something that will light those ears.. Sick of all the insencere.. So I'm gonna give all my secrets away..... This time don't need another perfect lie.. Don't care if critics ever jump in line.. I'm gonna give all my secrets away..."

As that beautiful voice continued to sing, my shoulders relaxed and I feel my eyes going back to their normal green color. I just sat there, listening to that wonderful singer.

"My God, amazing how we got this far.. It's like we're chasing all those stars... Who's driving shiny big black cars... And everday I see the news, all the problems that we could solve, and when a situation rises, Just write it into an album, singing straight, too cold.. But I don't really like my flow.. no.. so.."

I looked up and stared a the sky.

"Tell me what you want to hear.. Something that will light those ears.. Sick of all the insencere.. So I'm gonna give all my secrets away..... This time don't need another perfect lie.. Don't care if critics ever jump in line.. I'm gonna give all my secrets away..."

I wonder what it would be like if I was free, free to be normal.

"Oh, got no reason, got no shame... Got no family I can blame... Just don't let me disappear... I'ma tell you everything..."

Would I be different? Would I still be me? Would everyone treat me differently? Or would they still think I'm a freak?

"Tell me what you want to hear.. Something that will light those ears.. Sick of all the insencere.. So I'm gonna give all my secrets away..... This time don't need another perfect lie.. Don't care if critics ever jump in line.. I'm gonna give all my secrets away... All my secrets away.... All my secrets away..."

The singer finally finished. I looked around, looking for whoever was singing that beautiful song. My head turned from side to side, looking for anyone carrying a guitar. Much to my disappontment, I saw no one.

I felt weird. Usually, I don't calm down that easily when I'm angry. I don't know why.. but I find myself by the abandoned fountain in the park, where nobody ever comes.



HEY YA'LL! SUP? Soooo... yeah. This story is for my dear friend Paula. She's Paige. hehehe... Oh and.. this story happens at the same time with my other BYE fan fic, "Be My Valentine?" Check it out if you want to. :D Song at the sidebar is "Secrets" by ONe Republic. THEY ARE JUST AWESOME! That song is stuck in my head.

Dedication to BYEmpaula *insert Connor's funny accent* Hope ya like it gurrrrl!



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