Chapter 6 - Rich Idiots

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Running back to the orphanage as fast as I could, I tripped on something, but I didn't bother to look back to see what it was. it was probably midnight and Monster Mouth is gonna kill me. I caught a glipmse of the orphanage and the lights in my room turned on. Once I was near enough, I jumped. Me being abnormal, I jumped high enough to reach my window. Once inside, I saw nothing has been move. The moment I was about to grab the door knob of my door, it opened with a bang, revealing the monster herself.

"What are you still doing up here?! Didn't you see the time?! Go down and clean!" she yelled. I'm pretty sure she woke half of the city.

"I don't have a clock here." I stated.

"There's a clock right across the door! Stop giving me excuses! Now go down and clean before I pull you by the hair and drag you down there!" 

I didn't say anything more, knowing she could snap any moment. Right now, she is like a volcano ready to erupt. I walked pass the monster and down the creaky staircase. Once I reached the last step, I heard heavy foot steps behind me.

"You better clean properly! We have guests tomorrow and they have cash. Those guests are also idiotic morons wanting to donate something for the children, and that means money. Do you understand?! Make this place look spotless!" she demanded and walking out the door. I glared at her retreating figure. All she cares about is money, nothing and no one else. Just fucking money. 

I don't understand how people are obsessed with metal and paper, also known as money. Why do we even need it? Couldn't we just live without it? Apparently not. With people like Martimore living and breathing, money is the most important thing in the world, more important than other people's lives. 

I sighed, looking at everything I have to clean. Three dusty, dirty and filthy floors. Plus the basement. It's not like anyone actually goes down to the basement, but sadly, Martimore checks if I cleaned everything. If I don't, she turns into an evil Hulk. 

I grabbed a broom and started sweeping the floors.


"You will not leave your room until I say so, is that clear?!" Martimore asked. I was sleeping heavenly when she opened the door, making a bang so loud I'm surprised the door didn't break. After last night's events of cleaning, I am in need of a long and peaceful sleep.

"Sure." I said, yawning.

She glared at me for talking to her so casually. I stared back at her, not at all intimidated. She dropped the glare and walked out the door. Finally... Sleep. 

After who knows how long, I woke up. It was still morning, but why the hell was I awake? Martimore hasn't yelled at me yet. This was really weird for me, I usually sleep as much as I can. From downstairs, I heard music. A soft soothing sound of a guitar and harmonic voices. My curiosity got the best of me, so I slowly opened my door and silenty climbed down stairs. I stopped at the highest step on the second floor, staying out of sight. I didn't need to hide for too long though, because a loud yell was heard from the first floor.


I stayed in my spot for a few moments, making it look as if I actually went from the third floor, then got up and made my way down. 

"Yes?" I asked politely. I took a good look on the scene before me. There were two guys. One with really dark brown hair, or maybe it was black--I'm not really sure--and another guy with brown hair wearing a snapback and carrying a guitar.

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