Chapter 5 - Sleepless

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"Connor, that's a bit.. strange?" Riley said. I told him the about the lake incident. He said he would believe me! Unfair. He told me that he saw a girl with pink eyes, as in real pink irises. I didn't really fully believed him, as anyone could wear contact lenses, but he kept insisting so I stop arguing with him. Then after that, I told him my weird story and it seems that he doesn't fully believe it either.

"I know, I know. I have 'wild imaginations' and it's okay, I know you don't believe me. Don't call me crazy." I said with a sigh.

"No.. I believe you, but not completely." he admitted.

"My brothers are going crazy! What am I gonna do?!" Toby started teasing us. "Noooooooo!!!! This is horrible! I don't even know a doctor who can cure this kind of insanity!"

"Shut up, Toby." Me and Riley said at the same time.

"You guys ar mean to me." Toby pouted.

"Toby, you started it." I stated.

"Did not!" he whined like a child.

"Okay, how old are you again?" I asked.

"Are you sure you're fifteen years old?" Riley asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Geez.. You guys are no fun. Why are you so serious today?" he pouted. "Are you guys on your man period or something?"

"What the hell, Toby!" I yelled, but chuckled after.

He put his hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry you guys are grumpy!"

"Aww.. Is our little Toby upset?" Riley teased. Toby nodded, crossing his arms and pouting.

"Okay, how about we just have a lazy night tonight?" I asked. "Movies and pizza?"

"I'll order pizza!" Riley offered.

"I'll pick the movies!" Toby said.

"I'll just sit here." I stated.

"Lazy butt." Riley muttered.

"I heard that." I chuckled


I woke up and found myself laying on the couch, Riley on the floor with some blankets and pillows, and the other couch empty. After watching the fifth movie, we decided to call it a night. I sat up and checked the time. Rubbing my eyes, I saw it was 11:20pm. 

"Toby?" I called out softly, turning on a lamp. He usually never wakes up at this hour. I'm the one who always lack sleep.

"Toby, where are you?" I tried again. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a dim light. I whipped my head around in that direction and saw the light in the kitchen was turned on. I stood up, careful not to wake up Riley. Oh, trust me, you don't wanna wake Riley from his precious sleep. He can get a bit... dangerous. I slowly tiptoed to the kitchen. I assume Toby only wanted some milk or something but I stand corrected. I found him there, pacing back and forth with a frustrated look on his face.

"Why am I having weird dreams? Who is she? I'm going crazy..." he muttered. He didn't notice me standing there.

"Who's who?" I asked.

He jumped. "Connor! You  scared the living daylights out of me!" he hissed.

"Why are you up at this hour?" I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow.

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