3| this is what you're all about

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Olive POV

I can't even believe him, I finally do something for myself after he ruined me and he tries to tell me to get rid of it, he'll probably be trying to message me now about how my tweet 'damaged' his reputation, like come on everyone knows you're a fuck boy Vincent, get over yourself. As mad as I am the smile won't leave my face I can't believe fucking Tom Holland replied to my tweet and not only that he told me he and Zendaya love my song, FUCKING ZENDAYA! Beat that Vinnie. "Ding!" My phone chimes this seriously better not be Vinnie.



Hey babes! haven't heard from u in a while just checking that ur all g! 

Love ur new song so killer! x


uh thanks ig, i figured u knew why you hadn't heard from me, ya 

know cause our friendship is over lol?


what?! ur seriously gonna end our 5 year friendship over a guy total

overreaction olive! 


its not just 'over a guy' i literally caught you having sex with my 

boyfriend of two years and then your explanation was oops

he's hot what did you want me to do? 

thats fucked up Georgia you're a shitty friend


did u want me to lie 2 u? that was my explanation lol

i'm the shitty friend? ur the one writing songs about ur ex, thats crazy


why tf are YOU calling me crazy you're so self obsessed you 

couldn't handle the fact that my boyfriend was hotter than yours

so you took him, so just please LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!


oh so boohoo, write a song about me!

maybe i will, it is what you deserve

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