Quackity- Demon spawn from Hell

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Y/n waited. 

He waited for Alex to come home so he could give him a piece of his mind. Alex's mother had given him the spare key to his house, so he easily got in.

Y/n was one of Alex's best friends and they had been online friends since they were seven. Y/n lived in London and Alex lived in Mexico, so you could see that visiting wasn't a convenient option.

However, after Y/n had boldly told off Alex's 'girlfriend' for using him, Alex suddenly stopped talking to him.

"Wait you said your girlfriends in the other room?" Y/n pulled on a pair of jeans and laid a towel over his bare shoulders. His h/c hair was dripping and fell into his eyes.

"Yeah! She was on myLove or Host, and she just so happened to live in the area. We've been on two dates so far, she's amazing..." Alex trailed off, which Y/n caught onto. He started up his Pc, "But? I can hear one coming on in that sentence."

Alex's nervous laughter resounded in his phone speakers. "No, no. There's not but unless it's mine." Y/n noticed the quick topic change but didn't mention it.

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah. I'm sure everybody loves your ass Alex." Alex laughed to the point he was wheezing. "Alright Alright. I'm starting up my stream. Behave."

Y/n hung up on him and pulled up discord on his first monitor and Quackity's stream on his second. 

He listened to Alex greet his chat and murmured a Hullo when he was mentioned. LEaning back in his gaming chair, he glared at the turn-on camera button when he read the title of the stream.

Y/ntheshark meets CFK_Gamergirl! Be there to see the action!

He was not happy, in fact, some might call it pissed-off jealousy. It wasn't like Alex knew Y/n was in love with him, it also wasn't as if Y/n didn't openly announce he was gay about five months ago.

Alex was apparently just as dense a door.

Y/n watched a pippy short brunette with expensive hair extensions skipped into the room after Alex called her in. The scowl on his face deepened when she sat directly on his lap.

"Okay, Y/n- Wait why is your camera off?" 

Y/n smirked and rested his chin on his fist while he scrolled through CFK's social media. "Aww, do you miss looking at me?" His brows furrowed when he saw something interesting deep with her Instagram account. It was a random comment on one of her newer photos of herself, and it seemed to be getting no attention.

SinisterDuckingMother- Hey did you guys know that CFK has the same exact voice and content ideas as Malfire32? That's kinda worrisome, isn't it? Are they the same person?

"What the quack Y/n?!" Alex laughed and started talking to CFK since she was reading off donations and answering them like it was her own stream.

Meanwhile, Y/n pulled up an article Malfire32.  He was shocked with what he found to be honest, but his research found him what he needed. In all honesty, whenever one of Y/n's friends said they found a lover, he did a full background check on them. 

Not that they minded. It was better safe than sorry, and they always appreciated it in the end if they were a money-sucker or an attention whore.

This was one of those cases.

"Y/n, come on. Turn on your camera!" Alex whined like a small child without a lollipop. Y/n smirked and minimized out of the tab. Leaning back in his chair he smirked knowing shit was about to blow.

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