stormy hours (Danny)

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You go to sleep an hour before your roommate danny does. So when he comes into your room thinking you were asleep. God you wish it were true then you wouldn't hear the storm going on outside.
You hear the door creak open but you don't look, you know know who it is, he always comes into your room to comfort you when there is a storm. It's not per-say a rule, but more of an agreement something you asked him to do. And he obliges for a price, unfortunatly. This means i have to do the dishes for him tomorrow..... jikes

The door closes and footsteps aproche, you still pretend to be asleep. And then you feel soft warm lips on your forehead.
You're shocked. He's never done this before while he comforts you. Altho it does make you feel special, and you catch yourself smile just a little before you hear foot steps behined you and the weight on the bed shifts. He pulls up the covers carfully so he won't wake you, and slides underneath it, and lays verry close to you.
Feeling his body heat, it feels nice.
A loud thunder startels you, just as you start feeling comfortable. It was a verry loud one too. It made you shrink back into yourself. Scared.
Then you feel two arms wrap around your waist closing the distance between the both of you.
Now his front is towards your back, and his mouth is so close your neck, his breathing gives you shivers down your spine, it makes you feel safe. You close your eyes and your mind goes to the story danny one's told you about marvel or Norse mythologie, could've been both.
That loki pissed of Thor or Thor and Loki must be fighting or something along those lines. That thought slightly makes you giggle.
And you turn to danny looking at his beautiful features, it always calmes you for some reason. Looking at his white hair, his slender nose and soft lips you felt on your head a few moments ago, then his mouth moves to a little smile.
His eyes still closed
"so you are awake" he smirks
"H-hoe did you know?" You question
"Your not as smooth as you think you are" he says
"Well i wasn't trying to be or anything" you scoff kind of emberrest. He opens his eyes
"Your still staring at me" he states
"Do you have a problem with that?"
You say playfully
"not even a little bit" he retorts.
And moves closer to you. Pulling you by your waist making sure you haven't forgotten he's still holding you. Another thunder strike.
And your face falls from playfull to fearfull
"What do you think?"
"About what?" You ask going from fearfull to confussed
"Are they in a fight or is Thor just really pissed of?"
"Mmm, maybe they're just fighting off bad guys?" You question back at him.
"Mmmm maybe" he says while looking at your lips.
"Y/n?" He retorts
"Your staring at my lips"
"I am, aren't i?
"They just look so tastefull" he says seducively. He moves one of his hands from your waist and strails it from your body up to your lips and touches them with his thumb.
"Like if i don't taste them soon ill go insane" he looks at you and then back at your lips stroking your bottom lip.
" i can keep myself from you any longer" he says with need in his voice.
"Would you like it if i kissed you?"
He askes always the gentle man.
Your troath goes dry and so do your lips. Licking them, he moves closer, lips almost touching. And he asks again patiently not doing anything until you give him permission to do so "would you like me to?"
"Yes, i'd love it-" is all you could say before he cuts you off with a kiss
He goes gentle and yet so passionate. Afterkissing for a while you both do a little smile before continuing. You've been wanting to kiss him for a few month's now not daring to do anything about it. And apprently your feelings have been reciprocated all along. Or have they?
You stop kissing him for a second and look at him, both a little out of breath.
"Wait, just a second, let me get my thought straight" you say still out of breath.
"So you like me?" You feel all kinds of things going through you right now. Confussed, curious, nervous and every feeling inbetween.
"Uumm YES. god, i mean. Look at you" admiring you. "Your lips, your adorable freckles, your hair, you body, your vibe, the way you carry yourself, YOU absolutely do not have one single flaw and it drives me absolutely crazy that you think you do. It makes me want to love you even more, because maybe then you'll belive me some day"
"You- you love ME?" Shocked, jup this time your absolutely shocked.
Verry clear about the emotion this time.
"Out of all the people you could love, you love me? your annoying, clumbsy roommate who has broken more glasses and plates than anyone ever, you love ME?"
"As i told you I DO indeed love you, to me you have NO flaws, not a single one"
he captures your lips
"Only you"
"You say all those things about yourself like they're bad things but they're absolutely delightfull"
And again he kisses you
"You are absolutely delightfull"
He moves to your shoulder and kisses you there.
"And charming"
Another kiss moving up toward your neck
"And enchanting"
And a little higher
And a little higher
"And i am totally head over heels in love with you"
He trails he rest of the kisses toward your lips. But before he can arrive there again, you've already grabbed his chin and placed his lips back on yours.

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