A New Power

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[ I made that art ]

Hours after naoto went out figting crime in his new upgraded his suit. He stopped alot of crimes and saved alot of lives that day however; some people he saved would call him a menace or a murderer who needed to leave, others still called him a hero. But naoto knew that protecting the innocent was more important than what they thought about him.
Spider-man swung back into his room and took his mask off, the boy then went to the bathroom to take a shower. When he finished he jumped on his bed laying down.

Naoto: time to relax.... oops i forgot.

Still wearing his webshooters he turned on the bedroom fan, and slung a web line at the waterbottle on his desk. Which hit his nose. Naoto yelped and held his nose, at that moment his phone went off and he got a text from sakura.

[ sakura gave him his number before the date. ]

Sakura: Hey senpai. How are you?

Naoto: Im good. Hru?

Sakura: Good.

Naoto: So what's up?

Sakura: I just called to say thank you so much for helping me. I havent seen that creep for the last few weeks.

Naoto: Thats good. Im glad i could help.

Sakura: Yeah.

Naoto: Well if U need anything just ask okay?

Naoto put his phone down and slowly fell asleep.

The next day when naoto awoke from his slumber, he got up and took his morning shower. After the shower he got in his suit and put his school uniform over it and grabbed his bookbag. He then head down stairs and ate something before he headed to school, when he got there he heard students talking about spider-man and his new suit, they also talked about the last supervillain naoto had fought. He went to class and payed attention getting his schoolwork done, and reading the news about him.

When classes were over he went to the art room, and decided to draw again. When he finished he grabbed his backpack and went to grab his shoes from the lockers. He then ran into the back of the school to change in his suit, as he changed he heard someone getting closer. He then panicked and rushed to change clothes but he acvidentally tripped and fell, panicking he then saw his body turn see through and this happened.

 He then panicked and rushed to change clothes but he acvidentally tripped and fell, panicking he then saw his body turn see through and this happened

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The people that was coming was gamo and yoshi.

Gamo: The hell was that?

Yoshi: A Cat?

Gamo: Eh, Makes sense. Lets go.

Naoto sat on the ground shocked of what just happened. He then slingshot himself up on the roof, where he then turned visible.

Naoto: what the hell?! I've never turned invisible before! Did I unlock a new power?... Well This actually might make my job easier, I mean with plenty of practice and training with this power im sure i can use it for stealth mission or to get myself out of trouble.

The young hero then put his mask on and started to swing towards the city. He then started patrolling the block and streets. The hero then took a break on top of the building with his favorite view at night.

 The hero then took a break on top of the building with his favorite view at night

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[ Beautiful. Am I right? ]

Naoto: I wish i could stay up here all day, But peace never stays when crime is all over the city and someone has to clean it up.

Naoto then decided it was getting late and thought it was best to start heading for home. He then swung home from the city. Because it was late he decided he could test out his power after school the next day and chose to just sleep on it because he decided to sleep because he wanted to.

Naoto hachioji: The Spider-ManWhere stories live. Discover now