Chapter 20

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How To Crack A Heart

Dearest readers, the halls of royalty echo with a new murmur, one that sets tongues wagging and fans fluttering in hushed excitement.

Allow me to unravel the threads of this royal tapestry for you, woven with the most delicate of secrets.

What's in a name, you ask?

A great deal.

Especially when it comes to the royal nursery.

As you all know, our dearest young Queen Dowager of Württemberg, Queen Charlotte, in her infinite wisdom, has christened her firstborn prince as 'Anton'. A charming name, indeed, but the mystery lies in the uncanny resemblance it bears to a certain Viscount's moniker – Lord Anthony Bridgerton.

One cannot help but wonder, is this mere coincidence, or does the Queen Dowager's pen dance with a more personal tale?

Does it conceal a deeper narrative within the palace walls?

The Viscount in question has been a notable companion for the Queen Dowager during most events.

Perhaps his presence hint at a love veiled in secrecy, hidden behind the façade of regal propriety?

A prince by any other name would smell as sweet, but when that name mirrors the closest confidante of a queen, one cannot help but question the intricacies of royal decisions.

Buckingham House, London

Amidst the opulence of the royal palace, the Queen Dowager of Württemberg strode purposefully through the marbled halls. Her eyes, usually composed and regal, now betrayed a hint of vulnerability as she clutched a folded gossip issue that had sent ripples through the court.

As she approached the room where the Viscount, Anthony Bridgerton, awaited, Charlotte felt a heavy weight settle in her chest. The echo of her son's name reverberated in her mind. The scandalous revelation, seemingly unveiled by the ever-watchful eyes of court gossip, had laid bare the connection between her first love and dearest friend, to her firstborn.

She stopped outside the room, and took a deep breath before nodding at Albert to open the door. And there he stood, a sad look on his face that only made her feel more emotional about it all, with a bouquet of fresh flowers in hand.

"Your Majesty," he bowed his head before slowly approaching her. "I hope these flowers find favor with you. A small gesture to brighten your day."

"You're far too generous, my lord," she lightly smiled.

As the Viscount presented the bouquet, the Queen Dowager delicately accepted it, appreciating not just the flowers but the unspoken sentiments they carried.

"Lord Bridgerton—"

"It's alright, Your Majesty," he raised a hand, stopping her words with a gentle gesture. "There is no need for explanations... I already know."

Charlotte sighed and looked down at the bouquet in her hands. What infuriated her the most was not the rumor of where her son's name comes from, but as to the simple fact that her young and sweet son was being used as entertainment for the ton as one more gossip or scandal during the season.

"I know you know it wasn't a mere coincidence," she then looked up at him. "It was my way of preserving a piece of our shared past."

"I do not fault you for honoring our shared history in such a manner," he approached her, his gaze holding a mix of understanding and tenderness. "I would have done the same thing."

The Queen Dowager of Württemberg | A. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now