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The alarm clock went off at 9 and Harry was quick to shut it off before it woke up his boyfriend. He turned to see if it did but was proven wrong when he saw Louis laying still, breathing steadily with his eyes shut, cuddled in the blanket. He had to resist the temptation of leaning forward and kissing that adorable face, much to his displeasure.

He sneaked out of the bedroom, making sure the curtains were shut so no way was there for light to interrupt Louis' slumber. He closed the door lightly and went straight to the kitchen, after using the loo.

What's better than starting a day with breakfast in bed?

Even though, there had been countless times of them doing that, Harry still wanted to please his lovely boyfriend.

The house was decorated with Christmas lights and a tree standing in the corner since it was Christmas eve. An angel born before Jesus, that's what Harry used to tell Louis before Louis would laugh and slap his arm.

In the kitchen, he had stocked up everything required to make Louis somthing special. He knew how much the shorter boy loved raspberries so he went along the line.

He pulled out the eggs, flour, coconut milk and the rest of the ingredients to make the best coconut crêpes he could make. Which wasn't much of a problem, he was a baker after all. On the other side, he started with a delicious raspberry sauce for which he had raspberries, corn flour and some maple syrup.

All in all, he was quite proud of what came out of it before he put the crêpes in the preheated oven. He did go back to check if the boyfriend was sleeping, which he still was. That eased Harry.

He just wanted Louis to enjoy his birthday. He had noticed how hard he was working lately so the days off were perfect for Harry to show the boy how much he was loved and appreciated.

Back in the kitchen, once the dish was baked, he took it out and had drizzled the sauce over it. Louis was going to love this, he thought. He set up the tray with the breakfast, not without getting Louis' Yorkshire Tea of course.

He went to the bedroom, opening the door and walking to his bedside table to put the tray down. He climbed up the bed and came closer to Louis. He now could kiss his sleeping boyfriend all he wanted.

Which he did.

He moved the fringes from Louis' forehead and pecked there lightly. He then moved down, showering Louis' beautiful face with kisses. Eye lids, nose, cheeks, everywhere. Louis stirred and tried to contain his smile. Louis shoved Harry back lightly and rolled over him, cuddling into his chest.

Normally, it was Harry, of the two, who was the little spoon but it wasn't a crime if Louis wanted to be one from time to time.

Harry ran his fingers through Louis' messy hair and kissed the top of his head. "Wakey wakey, Lou Lou."

"No." Louis simply stated, cuddling more into Harry's chest. Harry chuckled and wrapped his arms tightly around Louis' body.

"But I made breakfast. And you can have it in bed." Harry cooed. And Louis pulled himself up just so he was able to see Harry's face.

"Really?" Not looking anywhere else.

"Of course." Harry nodded.

"What's the occasion?" Louis eyed him suspiciously.

Harry just starred at him dumbfounded. "I don't know. Maybe your birthday?"

Then it dawned on Louis. It's Christmas eve. It's his birthday. "Oh."

"Way to ruin the excitement." Harry grumbled.

"Aw, I'm sorry. I totally forgot. I'm sorry. You can be excited. Be excited all you want." Louis pulled himself up and strangled Harry's lap and kissed his lips. Harry kissed back not minding the morning breath Louis had. When they pulled apart, Louis smiled. "It's my birthday."

"Harry birthday, darling." Harry smiled and pecked Louis' lips once more. "And for your breakfast..." Harry pointed at the meal placed on the bedside table.

"Aw, baby." Louis' eyes soften. "Thank you. It looks delicious."

"Then lets have you eat it then." Harry sat up straight, Louis moving back onto the bed. Harry got the tray and placed it on the bed.

"Cuddle and breakfast together?" Louis asked.

"Whatever you want." Harry smiled lovingly.

As promised, that's how they ate. Louis complimenting on Harry's cooking, which he loved since day one.

Somewhere during the meal, Harry spoke. "Louis?"

"Yes love?" Louis turned to Harry.

"Do you have any plans for the day?"

"You mean today?" Harry nodded. "No. Why'd you ask?"

"'Cause I have." Harry said.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"No. I'm not the telling you. You'll know along the way. Is that okay?" Harry looked to hopefully that it was endearing. Louis kissed him on the nose and smiled fondly at him.

"Everything's okay, baby. You're the boss today."

And that lead Harry to smile so widely that Louis' heart couldn't contain the love he had for the boy. And he may or may not have kissed him again.



I just thought about this plot yesterday while studying (don't ask) and thought why not write it. The plot and the background is from my other book called "Pretty Boy". This happens before the last chapter of that book thou. If you haven't read that and like smut so go ahead and read that lol :P

This book is gonna be short. Only a few chapters and its all going to be of one day in whole i.e. Louis' birthday. Super fluff and cuteness and oh god I really hope you love this book as much as Pretty Boy cuz the response there was amazing! :D

Hope you like this and wanna read ahead. Also hope there aren't any mistakes :/ Leave a vote and a comment. Until next time loveliesss! xxx

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