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"No, we are not watching a horror movie!"

"Why not!"

"Come on! Louis, pick something else."

This banter had been going around for the past twenty minutes and the two lovebirds still couldn't decide what movie to watch.

"Think about it, H, if we watch horror, you'll get scared. And isn't that a reason I'll let you snuggle into me." Louis smugly said.

"I'm your boyfriend. Isn't that a reason you'll let me snuggle into you?" Harry said.

"Fair play, young one. But come on, what else could we watch?"

"Romantic? Comedy? Any genre apart from horror or action, maybe?"

Louis crossed his arms in front of his chest and pouted from where he was sat on the floor with his back against the sofa.

"No fair."

"Yes fair. If you really want to snuggle, just say so." Harry shrugged from his position on the floor in front of the television set, crossed legs, looking through bunches of DVDs.

"Well I always want to snuggle."

"Then we'll snuggle watching a movie that I won't sleep during so I can make sure everything happens fine. Or a movie where I don't piss my pants."

Louis snorted, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, I'd rather you do something else in them."

Harry heard and blushed, trying to hide it, he rolled his eyes and looked down at the DVDs again.

"Your sexual frustration is ungodly."

"Well, and who do we have to blame for that?" Louis raised a brow at Harry and Harry flicked him the middle finger.

Harry looked back down, shuffling through the DVDs yet again when Louis sighed exaggeratedly and got up. He went to their room and picked up his laptop and came back out to the living room.

"How about this?" Harry showed him one of the movies they own and Louis shook his head.

"Too girly."

"'S not what you said when you bought it."

"Hey! We agreed to never talk about that." Louis looked at Harry in betrayal. Harry looked up at Louis with a small smirk and then back at the DVD collection.

"Drop that grin, Styles. It won't do you any good."

Harry looked up with an assumed face. "Oh yeah?"


"Make me." Harry smugly said.

Louis narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend. He stood up after putting the laptop away and freeing himself from the bundle of blankets (which was a quite adorable show for Harry).

He marched to Harry, stomping his feet at every step. He stopped when he was right beside Harry, the younger one looking up at him while he tried to stop the smirk to grow up on his face.

Louis bend down, face close to Harry, so close that they could feel each other's hot breaths on themselves. Harry's breathing got a bit heavy, wanting to kiss Louis.

Louis brought his face even closer, lips now brushing each other's. Harry was looking down at Louis' lips, DVDs in his hands long forgotten. Louis cupped one side of Harry's face, rubbing his cheek with his thumb. He purposefully breath out heavily causing Harry's breath to hitch. He successfully had him in a trance.

He smirked and rubbed their lips together but when Harry tried to kiss him, he pulled back. Harry shook his head and came back to reality. A groan released his mouth when he realized what just happened.

"Meanie." Harry pouted, brows frowning.

Louis chucked, ruffling Harry's long curly hair. "Don't say I didn't warn ya, babe." Louis winked.

Harry looked back down and got frustrated. "Just pick a movie." He groaned.

Louis bend down by the CD collection the boys owned and started scanning. He just shrugged and pulled out one case.

"This one will be fine."

"You sure?"

Louis chuckled. "I'm sure, babe. Now don't worry. We'll cuddle and watch this movie," He showed the DVD case. "And I'll give you that kiss you wanted."

Harry grumbled at the mentioning of that, as if it hasn't happened millions of times before, and got up.

"I'll put it on. You go and get settled." Louis said and Harry did as told, without saying anything.

So they spent the next couple of hours cuddled into each other, stealing kisses every now and then, brushing their own skin against the other's. Totally cherishing the presence of the other, all the while the movie played in the background.

7. His Choice Movie ✔



I know it's a really short one but oh well at least larry was being cute and all. Hope there weren't any mistakes.

Vote and comment. I'm currently working on the last smutty chapter yikes! Hope it all turns out well. Xxx

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