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As soon as the both moved apart from a love-filled kiss, Harry smiled lovingly down at Louis, who in return smiled back and pecked Harry's chin (because that's what he could reach on his tip toes when Harry didn't bend).

"What else do you have planned for today, my beautiful boy?" Louis asked Harry, fond dripping from his face.

Harry always had wanted to celebrate Louis' birthday but every year for the past three years had him be able to throw a party (Louis loved parties). Now, in their fourth year together, he had this whole list planned (that Louis couldn't help but find endearing) due weather, and also he wanted to spend the whole day with him for once on this special day.

"The whole day is planned. This is just the beginning." Louis loved when Harry was his little and shy and innocent and adorable self but he wouldn't deny how much he loved it when his boy took control.

"I bet I'm gonna enjoy today then."

"I hope you will." Harry seemed nervous, biting his lip.

Louis leaned up to kiss the chin again. "I know I will. Don't worry about anything. I wouldn't love you any less."

Harry exaggerated a sigh. "That's a relief to know."

Louis lifted an eyebrow, a smirk threatening to show.

Harry continued. "So you ready to do what I have planned?"

"I have been since you told me, love."

"Great! Next up is video games. How about FIFA? I know how much you love it." Harry cheerfully said.

"But you don't like FIFA." Louis stated, confusedly.

"But I like you. And that doesn't mean that I can't try to beat you." Harry knew challenging Louis about video games always got him competitive, no matter who stood before him.

Louis' eyes widened a bit. "Are you saying that you, of all people, are gonna beat me, of all people, in FIFA?" He was amused.

Harry shrugged. "Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not."

"Oh, you are so on, Styles."

And of course the next two hours were spend playing back to back FIFA, Louis winning most of the matches, Harry enjoying the joy on Louis' face every time he scored a goal or won the game in a whole.

Harry always complained about how Louis wanted to play this game, he would complain throughout the whole game. But that were other days. Right now, it was his love's birthday and he wanted to have him enjoy it to the peak.

Sure Harry wasn't as good as Louis at the game, both knew and accepted the fact (Louis more proudly than Harry), but that didn't mean Harry totally sucked at it. He was a great competitor. And that's what Louis wanted in the person he played against.

All in all, Harry wanted this time to pass with Louis smiling. He was more than smiling. He was cheering for himself, passing complements to himself whenever he scored (making Harry fondly rolling his eyes). He was also a good sport. He encouraged whenever his boyfriend scored, even if it meant bad news for him.

And maybe, during the breaks they took, they shared some snogs but who's watching.

The couple of hours went by without any of them noticing, both enjoying the time, until the door bell interrupted them, making Harry's head snap towards the door, giving Louis a chance to score and win yet another game.

Well at least he's happy, Harry thought before pausing the game and getting up and going to the door, telling Louis to stay put.

And yes, Harry did tick of the third point from the list that was now in the pocket of his sweats on his way to the door, making sure Louis couldn't seeing after a turn.

3. Video games ✔


Short chapters. Cute larry enjoying themselves (awe???). Could you guys comment to tell your opinions please? I'd love to read them :)

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